RebounceN.cfg v1.0

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xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005


This is the e+1.04 version of rebounce config that is also a modification of plusN 2.06.

It has some features:
- all config is same as in plusN except weapons
- BFG same as plusN
- grenade same as plusN
- rail has 4additional rebounces
- lg is longer, has double ammo and is weaker but rebounces 2times
- rocket is guided but slow cycle
- gauntlet is fast and has same speed as rocket, but when u press fire u have additional speed
- grapple is for movements, is insta and is really fast

- mg is same and rebouncing 1time but has 2 modes (1:is normal, 2:insta as rail)
- sg is same but when you fire you go (1:forward or 2:backward) depending on the mode
- finally, plasma (1:is slow stronger and rebouncing 2times, 2:is a very slow as trap weapon and has slow regen)

[code:1]you can set this as admin:
xp_Rbc_MG = 1 - MG : Rebouncing
xp_Rbc_MG = 2 - MG : Insta Rebouncing

xp_Rbc_SG = 1 - SG : Backward Firing Knockback
xp_Rbc_SG = 2 - SG : Forward Firing Knockback

xp_Rbc_PG = 1 - PG : Slower Stronger Rebouncing Plasma
xp_Rbc_PG = 2 - PG : Plasma Trap

default values are 1 [/code:1]

You can upload it on your server and test it., or test it directly on *FFF*FRAG'LOUNGE* server while I'm in (cya there tonight)

check it pls !

and hf Happy

P.S: I wish really to make it as 3rd alternative this time

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Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

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xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
RebounceN.cfg v1.0

NEW SERVER : RebounceN by Camel -

tx to camel Happy

come to try Winking

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place

|¯FC_| Suchspeed<-
Joined: Dec 2005
ES Spain
RebounceN.cfg v1.0

Really great cfg Ali
I like it, Good job :thumbright:

Aero wrote:
who enters into my anus kurwa!!!!!

Reno's picture
Joined: Sep 2006
GB United Kingdom
RebounceN.cfg v1.0


"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." - Benjamin Franklin

xpaliminium's picture
Joined: Nov 2005
RebounceN.cfg v1.0

For now some ppl have tested it and said in general it's fun conf.

But we need more ppl to test it.

Here is a channel on : #rebounceN-pickup where we can meet to go here :RebounceN by Camel -

Weapons can have many modes, and server admins can choose one for each weapon.
(Actually there is only one mode for all weapons except MG, SG and PG wich have 2modes each)

I'm waiting for your suggestions Happy

N.B : If any clan/team wanna make mixed fw, or normal fw against other one, it is welcome Winking

Wanna avoid seeying mow, skull & co Surprise

Check this peacefull place

InsaneKid's picture
Joined: May 2007
RebounceN.cfg v1.0

i dont like the insta-MG!- u dont even hear it, when someones campin with it.
maybe its a good idea, to let some weapons spawn in map to pick´em up.
or make several conf, where u spawn with several weapons:
for example with Grapple +Rail only (2 weapons);
that would be a nice experiment on "HookRace!" Winking

bfgjon's picture
Joined: May 2006
RO Romania
RebounceN.cfg v1.0

my opinion @your cfg ALi =no future , not even for fun , sry Thinking

p!nky wrote:

futema si tu Tongue

mow Q [EN]
Joined: Nov 2003
RebounceN.cfg v1.0

jon, i doubt u havent tested all possiblities of this conf. and i doubt that u understood the whole config.

it is not 1 config, it is many configs.

bfgjon's picture
Joined: May 2006
RO Romania
RebounceN.cfg v1.0
mow Q [EN] wrote:

jon, i doubt u havent tested all possiblities of this conf. and i doubt that u understood the whole config.

it is not 1 config, it is many configs.

i spent some time with ALi in rebounce server man, ALI explained to me how it works this config, so this is my opinion , just MY opinion

p!nky wrote:

futema si tu Tongue