RebounceN community news
Here you can find players list playing this conf :
The community will start to grow slightly in few I hope.
If some1 wanna try the config, contact me pls by pm, msn or IRC.
And you could not answer, that nobody is playing this cfg : )
Not yet, and now please stop beeing provocative and unconstructive.
Thank you.
This conf is strange but funny. Dont know how to use some weapons such as lg or mg in the fight. But i found something interesting... to shot rocket and follow with gauntlet :!: I havent seen it earlier.
but most of weapons are useless on open maps.
Really cool cfg man you got there....
But there are some problems if you ask me:
1. That guided rocket followed by gauntlet is really a great idea, but totally useless in any map. Even guided rocket by itself without following it with gauntlet is useless too. You seen that playing 1vs1 with me, it's almost impossible to hit someone. It all depends on your luck will you hit someone with it in other room when you guide it. Fast rockets are great, 5 ammo is nice, but I would reduce it to 3 just to be sure people wont spam with it....
2. SG is pushing forward or backwards, I personally belive, pushing forwards is better idea, but I already see people abuse it very much, in both styles. Maybe reduce the SG damage and make it go forward will be better idea....
3. PG trap is also great idea but it's too noisy and lightning effects of it give up it's position. So pretty much, everyone who uses brain is not going to go that way. That other style when plasma has normal speed and it bounces around is better, but also, spammy a bit....
4. LG is great, bouncing of the wall,'s just weak imo, raise the damage.
5. MG - that slow rail like style is great....big plus for this one....
6. Gauntlet - tubro version is....turbo....too fast imo, at haste speed is much better....
My 2 cents....
i'd like to play on the public server some games at this cfg (if ofc server isnt will empty). this cfg is soooo funnny... :']
btw i love this rocket flight control.
and turbo style at gauntlet is seems so amazing for me : >
ofc this cfg isnt for a cw&fw imo (too crazy for it) but for public server its looking really funny
the hook is sooo awesome
I always loved the guided rockets. <3. Playing for fun with Mr. Gauntlet on dm17 is priceless.
Cool cfg i'm IN
New member joined : Devast
1. Rocket Launcher will be set to mode 2 by default in next release. ammo will stay 5 for now, and if it gets spammy we can adapt it.
2. SG mode 2 forward seems more apreciated by ppl, same here if damage is so big and ppl abuse it will get reduced. it will be default in next release
3. PG mode 2 will be set as default in next release.
4. let LG for now as it is
5. for MG it will depends on ppls opinion
6. Gauntlet will stay at mode 1 for now (no turbo)
My 200€
@lala Roger
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