hey guys sorry for spam .. nd this is prob already a topic.. can anyone inform me on how to record a PC game?
capture card or software?
use google nub although this is only the trial version, which allows 30 seconds of recording, just torrent a full version. But if you're recording Q3, use Q3MME. although this is only the trial version, which allows 30 seconds of recording, just torrent a full version. But if you're recording Q3, use Q3MME.
i sometimes prefer gazhook on 1000fps - it has some awesome results x)
i using FRAPS.
I use google to answer most restarded questions...
Awww Digit... No one thinks your Retarded....
oh nd i cant rlly find a Q3MME download ive looked b4 but nuffin
How about this nooby: