// recording demos \\
I have (i think optimal) opinion for the problem recording demos, perhaps i will explain mine.
programs i use:
Adobe Premiere 6.0
so at first u must set up the demo-recoding tool (default.cfg) thats my cfg i have made for it,
this program records demos (shot tga´s) and when u exit quake it writes these tga´s too an avi file (u choose if uncompressed or with codec) i choose it uncompressed, cause much protgrams like adope premiere/pinacle studo cant read files with codec.
(while this recording u must make things like "slowmotion" or "zoom") with a little bit of timing work its np
so when u have your uncompressed avi file u put it in virtual dub and cut it how u need it in the film, save it (uncompressed) and put it into adobe/pinacle.
i think the settings from this programs each of u must choose urself, i only say (check 100% all settings)
so when u have cuted all avi( + music and effekts .... together u save it, (my opinion, uncompressed again).
then u put the ready avifile (which has no codec) in virtualdub and cut the last things at intro and outro (if needed) and save it with compression (i use (Xvid MPEG-4 Codec), the finesettings u must choose urself, cause i dont want too steal u whole fun at work
just try it out, i have created some nice avis with it
(dark|angels "best".avi comes out soon)
if someone want the intros and outros from quakevideo and the whole video + tier videos they are in the pak0.pk3 just unrar the directory video, there are the RoQ files, u can load them in this programmQVM-1.3 videomaker
and compile them into an avi
have fun with that, i hope it helps a little bit
Well done dude!!!!!
but i think its a hard way with all these uncompressed clips i usually compress my tga-pics with DivX 5.02 or now 6
(tool qvm) after i have executed cl_avidemo 25 (
If you choose a high bitrate (up to 3000kbps) and decode it 3-5 times (possible with DivX) u have a small file which u can handle much easyer...
and u wouldnt loose quality (bec final movie have the same or less quality)
I dont like virtual dub and premiere (there arent enough options )... i work with tmpgenc (for decoding), Magix 2005/2006, Electronica Live and Resolume (VJ software).
ps: also all sounds from quake are in the pak0.pk3