Recruitment is open u can join DEVA now
Recruitment is open u can join DEVA now.
- be over 17 years old
- be kind for DEVA players and whole e+ players.
- u need to havbe microphone.
- be kind while playing fw/cw and don`t flame.
- keep clan secrets in safe.
- listen CL and VCL
- be Active
- play good and fully cooperate with other clan players
- stay loyal with DEVA
If u can`t fulfil our requirements dont bother with applying.
Rekrutacja otwarta dla kazdego! ktory spelnia nasze warunki Wystarczy :
- minimum 17lat
- być w porządku dla klanu deva i innych graczy (e+)
- mieć mikrofon
- być spojonym w czasie testu, gry fw /cw
- trzymać tajemnice klanu w tajemnicy
- słuchać lidera i vicelidera
- być w jak największym stopniu aktywnym
- dobrze grać
- być oddanym tylko jednemu klanowi
Jeżeli nie potrafisz spełnić żadnych naszych warunków to po prostu nie zgłaszaj się!!
nice picture, my klesk doesn't have such a big gun xDDDDDDD
nice picture, my klesk doesn't have such a big gun xDDDDDDD
Terror my klesk have big gun;))
kLighter wrote:GLnice picture, my klesk doesn't have such a big gun xDDDDDDD
Terror my klesk have big gun;))
My Mynx have bigger tits
kLighter wrote:GLnice picture, my klesk doesn't have such a big gun xDDDDDDD
Terror my klesk have big gun;))
no jak chuj xD