Recuiting experienced players to validate spawns
I community,
I am searching some experienced profiles :
* 2 years experience minimum on e+
* having played many friendly/clan wars
* having already lead his team ingame
* having very good knowledge about maps and strategic points on the maps
to validate spawns we have to set for new e+ feature : teamed spawns, so the generated entity files become official and shared on next excessiveplus release.
The objective for teamed spawns is to determinate bases (red and blue) for each map so players of the same team spawns all together not far from each others.
Maps actually done and that need a validation :
* all baseq3 maps
* ospra3map1
* overkill
* cpm14
there are more maps to be worked.

The objective for teamed spawns is to determinate bases (red and blue) for each map so players of the same team spawns all together not far from each others.
that would be just camp festival
wel count me in for the ctf side ... and choosing spawn points for ctf side becouse ehm it will be a spam mess if it goes on the freeze tag way
i think, this feature is not really needed for normal E+
but its fits well into special teamMaps with bases!
if u want different spawns than the old one,
then it would be better to make some more of those ent-files,
to make them vary from server to server! (Y)
it will fuck up whole gameplay and either end in uber camp or plain attacking of enemybase.
so better do not implement this shit for freeze and tdm.
agree, its shit idea.
check out warsow public instagib for seeing how such stuff works out, people do move by themself and on public its a nice addition compared to spawning 3v1.
however it wont be successful in a clanwar.
edit: it would also allow to modify a map between a round, ergo some doors locked and some open, wouldnt it? but we dont need camper strike here honestly.
@warsow, the players move there like bouncing bullet, and the most picked maps are those witch allow this kind of movement, nobody actually thinks about any strategy in wasow ig they just move all around, there are even jokes about that shotting is disallowed :DDDDD
teamed spawns works great in warsow, but when the teamed spawn will face the e+ camp it might be a disaster thought i think we can give it a try at least

@warsow, the players move there like bouncing bullet, and the most picked maps are those witch allow this kind of movement, nobody actually thinks about any strategy in wasow
That sounds awfully familiar.
kind of :DDDD with the difference nobody kicks u out of the server when u going to kill somebody hitting his back while he was moving 1500ups things like that are something normal in wsw
btw. keep in mind that teamed spawns are used together with rounds
Since it's modeled after CPM/QW gameplay, it's no surprise it leans to the, uh, excessive sort of style. ;p
From what i can tell, the team spawns work nicely in W§W.