Ref Server commands - things you should know.

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany

The only difference between /ref and /rcon is, that ref just
has limited commands, but actually can see all players playing
(introduced so there is no problems with joinwords).

In a ClanWar, a non-neutral player is not allowed to have ref due to
ghosting issues, but mvd records all players, even if u aint invited to any team.

All these commands work for /ref as long as server admin sets them:

/startmvd -> starts recording mvd

-> stops recording mvd

/ref map -> set map

/ref g_gametype
-> change gametype (TDM=3, TAG=8)

/ref timelimit -> change timelimit (default for CW is 15 min)

/ref fraglimit -> change fraglimit (default for Clan Wars is 0 )

/ref load -> load specific config for a war (plusN, e5r ...)

/ref g_speed -> set specific g_speed, 350 for plusN and 400 for e5

/ref g_gravity -> 800 is default and shouldn't be altered

/ref g_friendlyfire -> turn on/off friendly fire (1/0)

/ref g_warmup -> warmup time in seconds

/ref g_dowarmup -> warmup on/off (1/0)

/ref g_password -> server password

/ref g_needpass -> password on/off (1/0)

/ref lock r/b -> lock team, also usefull if a team unlocked during timeout for letting somebody join, again use with forcejoin.

/ref pb_sv_enable -> enable pb server side

/ref pb_sv_disable
; /ref pb_sv_restart -> disable pb (needs pb restart of server)

/ref sv_pure 1/0 -> set pure on/off (right after turning pure on, map needs to be changed)

/ref forceteam r/b/s/f -> force player to red/blue/spec/free

/ref forcejoin r/b -> invite player to a team, usefull during timeout

/ref sv_punkbuster 1/0 -> do not alter this value, pb is latched as if u set new resolution via r_mode, it always needs at least a map reboot, already had a CW where spider showed sv_punkbuster 0 but pb was in fact, still on on server.

/ref s -> show ip and guid of players, usefull to ident fakes if one guid system is introduced

/ref w -> gives out 3 most used player names of a player (when players are fakenicking, easiest way to check who they realy are)

/ref whois id -> gives out all names for a specific player (as above)

/ref k -> kick player from server ( there shouldn't be more then the teams, ref and gtv on server)

b -> bans player from server (if unwanted people insist on coming back)

/// prepared by Skullhead

why repost? simple, because you cant stick threads via edit, at least I didn't find a way till now.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

Forum moderator
Zack's picture
Joined: Sep 2003
Re: Server commands - things you should know.

thx will be useful for noob like me.
btw how do you know if someone in blue has ref so they can spec red?

fps's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
US United States
Re: Server commands - things you should know.
rage+ wrote:

thx will be useful for noob like me.
btw how do you know if someone in blue has ref so they can spec red?

ref can spect both teams only while hes staying in spect, ability to spect them is useless while ref is playing, u wont see anything from ur opponent team.

Forum moderator
Zack's picture
Joined: Sep 2003
Re: Server commands - things you should know.

ok so what about when team red has 1 player in spec an has ref ? how do i tell if he has ref active?

Site administrator
Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Re: Server commands - things you should know.

he will be marked yellow in scoreboard Happy

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

Forum moderator
Zack's picture
Joined: Sep 2003
Re: Server commands - things you should know.

ok ty

intact-epsilon's picture
Joined: Dec 2006
Re: Server commands - things you should know.

i wanna add that some servers don't have sv_pure and pb_sv_enable / pb_sv_disable

like asphyxland jumpsland bananaland ...

however to enable pure and pb on then you will need to use the exec command like this

/ref exec pbon //for pb on
/ref exec pboff //for pb off
/ref exec pureon //for pure on
/ref exec pureoff //for pure off

the pureon is a script that was made for not alowing the "pure bug" appear and block the server.

Pure Bug

When pure is made on by sv_pure "1" an bug appears .. the map will restart automatically but then no player wont be able to join the server... they will be kicked saying "invalid .pk3 ... unpure detected". However that dosnt mean that the players have invalid .pk3 its just a bug that occurs when pure is set 1. If after this the map will be changed the pure bug will disappear and the pure will show as on. So all is needed is to rotate/change the map after sv_pure "1" but without being on the server. (cause of invalid pk3. message)

The manual method that i use on servers that don't have the pureon/pureoff scripts but have the sv_pure for ref is:

/ref timelimit 1
/ref sv_pure 1
//then wait 1 min for the server to auto-rotate the map ..
//after that all will be fine.
/ref timelimit 15 (back to the normal value)

( Is very important to know that the server will rotate the map or else map will need to be changed remotely or the server restarted )

pureon is doing the same sv_pure "1" but it also changes the map after that.

/players -> will show a table with all the players connected to the server and their specific the network settings : rate, snaps , cl_maxpackets, cl_timenudge

useful for events that have rules about the client network settings.

/ref xp_matchmode 1 -> will enables the use of methods like lock, unlock, timeout, timein, invite..
/ref xp_itemstyle 0/1/2/3 -> disables or enables items shown on map as follows:
0- no items on the map.
1- health items only. ( armours will be replaced with health shard)
2- only health and armours items. (powerups will be replaced with yellow armours)
3- all items are shown.
It requires /ref map_restart after changes.

skull only site admins can stick threads.

i dont know if my above explication is clear but if not please reformulate it for me

hook's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
Re: Server commands - things you should know.

yes all my servers have that script. i can published it for all server owners when you want!

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Joined: Feb 2007
Re: Server commands - things you should know.

afaik, panda promised make auto-rotate at sv_pure changing to fix this "pure bug", but didnt check is it fixed, also as i understood better not add exec in ref/vote list coz its unsecure. best practice to use cmd2 instead (also its more user friendly, so ref =pbdisable will exec ur script but its shorter and easier to control)

and stickness can change only admins Winking

intact-epsilon's picture
Joined: Dec 2006
Re: Server commands - things you should know.

yes the pure bug is resolved on the next e+ release she made to auto rotate the map after sv_pure 1


intact-epsilon's picture
Joined: Dec 2006
Re: Ref Server commands - things you should know.

I took the decision to move this topic to public since the ref+ team is not updated and any person can be a ref nowadays.
Use these info when you ref a game.