I dont know what ive done to u!?
plz tell me, if u can !!
for the story:
some days ago i had a really good time, means very very very good action in quake, so i was hard to stop.
rengen was most of the time in the enemy team so i had to shot him and i hit him many many time. Then he begin insulting me like:
pizda ...... (one word i forgot), or larry*gay, hyper*gay, larry*cheater, larry*noob, hyper*noob
ok im asking him if he is just 11 years old, he answerd no just 9 years old.
I said to him "omg you are so childish"
after some days i asked him if he cooled down. ==> no answer is an answer
today he begin again insulting me, hyper, about others i wont say something. if they want they can post here.
my advise is: He please should learn to communicate in a normal way, and if he dont like my idea
he plz should stop insulting me, my clan or someone else. just be quiet.
ofc yes i also scream at ppl if they kill me 1000000 times in a row, but
its not ment to be serious.
Like: ass
or i just say "nana stop it :P" something like that! just in an normal way nothing more nothing less.
Another E+ drama?
Larry, just mute him , and dont care. Its really usefull. About insults only top whiners and insulters can do it , like me and Fps heheh
pidar pidar! Fpsa pidar!
no camel, its more of an issue if you see it in a bigger context.
A lot of people in E+ have their own judgement, depending on it they either think it is legal to say the stuff they do or not. We all have no insulting policy on every server and the stuff larry mentioned definitely belongs to it, so therefor it has to be reported. However the real problem is as said, the judgement of the people, they judge, they ignore. Force them to discuss instead of ignoring is the only fix of the root.

Another E+ drama?
No, Mr. Camel, this is just breaking rules at server where you are one of administrators. Regards.
Simple : dont read! thats all. its internet, he is free to write whatever he wants. If you wont bother about it, he will stop for sure, because he looks like a child for everyone else on server for such insults. I never understand such posts? what is a reason? do you want a ban for him or what? Its your own business with him, nobody will help you to solve it.
Another E+ drama?
No, Mr. Camel, this is just breaking rules at server where you are one of administrators. Regards.
good point , Dynios

nah i just try to educate.
its not ok that he can talk to me like he want to.
ye, its right Larry. But sometimes u cant do anything, if some1 who doing like that, must grow to it, and to his own decides, and his mentaly will be more adult. You have right to always educate, its usefull for faster make him grow up
U are free to cheat and free to get ban for it, you cant get advantage from text. For example i go on the street and say to some1 that he is an asshole, and other story that i came and hit him with a hammer ? Do u see the differents?
nah i just try to educate.
its not ok that he can talk to me like he want to.
Yellow card for
Using ur brain, finding a solution, beside an excisting rule and have an agreement.