Representative Excessiveplus Website Header ?
F1. good idea, it will remind always a bit that this website is about quake game.
header number 4 and last for me.
nice idea. the third from the top is great in my opinion
Bring back old forum or leave it as it is.
I would vote yes but not for these headers. I demmand something unique and designed for this website, not just some ss. It shouldnt be so big and colorfull. It should be subtl jewellery and not boorish makeup ;]
I like the header idea.
With the current website, you can't really see that it's Quake related.
Something like video or screen of the month? I don't know if there are enough "spectacular" screenshots.
(Videos wouldn't be a problem I think.)
Anyway, I think the website needs something which identifies it clearly as a Quake 3 Arena Community.
and use all of the headers, just randomize them each time u login
I only like the first header (nice camera angle and lots of action). lets see what other designed ones which people can come up with. Maybe not with just green keel/white tankjr models.
Old Story about it! Here an examble from Trash in the Year 2010 for another project!
Header (950x150)
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