Requesting help with One Flag CTF
Hello to all in the forums. I am here to make a request for help in starting a One Flag CTF server for Open Arena.
I have tried to get it running several times and it doesn't seem to work for me. I have been running a Reactance mod for several months as well as a basic Excessive CTF server sometimes. For some reason though, I just can't get One Flag working.
Can anyone assist me with getting this started? I would greatly appreciate it because it seems like a really cool variation on regular CTF.
the only maps that currently work with 1flag as standard are the ones in the oneflagctf.txt file found in your q3/excessiveplus folder
q3ctf1 { 768; -636; 44 }
q3ctf2 { 56; -280; -96 }
q3ctf3 { 32; 576; 16 }
q3ctf4 { 320; 288; 16 }
mkbase { -16; 30; 24 }
mapel4b { 0; 0; 28 }
you can add more maps if you can work out the co-ordinates for where they can go!
i <3 1flag
let me know when you get the server up and running! (even if it's all the way in america, i might just have to give it a try!)
actually it is possible, mod is developed with q3a 1.32 point release in mind.
since the 1flag gametype is sortof a hack into regular ctf, i would safely assume it might fail to work on OA.
what is the diff between OA and Q3A?
vile, i suggest you try and get hold of Q3A and then try that...
(if you want help where to find it, pm me... disclaimer: i am only passing on information freely available, and am not responsible or partaking in any directly immoral actions)
We do not aprove piracy.Don't attack ships ,please !
maybe ask escapedturkey?
Hello in Great Britain!
Thanks for the reply and here's more info on my setup:
I am only running Excessiveplus on Open Arena not Quake 3 Arena.
I picked some maps that I wanted to use from baseOA map pk3s and made a oneflagctf.txt file with those maps listed. I also used the /where command in each of the maps to find a place for the neutral flag and added that info to the file for each map.
The server simply runs as a regular CTF game though - even though I have created a oneflagctf.txt file and specified One Flag CTF as the game type in my cfg.
I have yet to see anyone else running an Excessiveplus - One Flag CTF server for Open Arena. Is it possible that it only works for Q3A and not OA?