[Resolved] Can't find maps /mapname.bsp
17. May 2022 - 21:17
No matter what map I use, I'm getting can't find maps /mapname.bsp
// ********************** START OF Q3A SERVER FILE **********************// FILENAME : q3ded-osp.cfg // q3a server config// vq3 ffa// make sure the map rotation file 'maprotate-osp-ffa.cfg' exists// written by spirit, based on the config from holarse.net // --- contact and admin ---sets ".Admin" "Fragenstein" // admin namesets ".email" "change_me" // admin emailsets ".www" "change_me" // www site that offers maps rotated on the server etc // --- basic stuff ---seta rconPassword "xxxxxxxxxx" // remote console admin passwordseta g_gametype "0" // gametype (0 = ffa, 1 = tourney, 2 = ffa, 3 = tdm, 4 = ctf) // --- banner stuff ---seta sv_hostname "Blackwood's Excessive Plus Server" // how the server shows up in q3a game browserseta g_motd "Welcome to Blackwood's Excessive Plus Server" // message of the day, shown on client connect // --- misc ---seta r_smp "0" // whether the server has multiple CPUsseta sv_pure "1" // whether .pk3-files are cheat checked // --- clients and slots ---g_password "change_me" // server password for clients who try to connectg_needpass "0" // whether the password is enabled / needed to connectseta sv_maxClients "16" // max players allowed on server, includes spectatorsseta sv_privateClients "0" // reserved slots for players who know the private passwordseta sv_privatePassword "change_me" // private slot passwordseta g_syncronousClients "0" // whether clients are allowed to record demosseta g_allowvote "0" // map - map restart - kick - g_gametype // --- annoyances ---// Note that you need to turn punkbuster off on the command line when you start the server (q3ded +set sv_punkbuster 0 ...)// because you can't change the setting anymore once the server process has started! Removing the next line (or putting 'sv_punkbuster 0'// into your config file will NOT turn off punkbuster.// pb_sv_enable // enable punkbuster server// pb_sv_guidrelax 7 // disable punkbuster CD-check// seta sv_strictauth "0" // whether CD-key is checked on client // Map rotation set d1 "map bja1dm ; set nextmap vstr d2"set d2 "map firstrebirth ; set nextmap vstr d3"set d3 "map map-pbox2 ; set nextmap vstr d4"set d4 "map map-Playertourney ; set nextmap vstr d5"set d5 "map map-q3_unreality ; set nextmap vstr d6"set d6 "map Q3floGGer1 ; set nextmap vstr d7"set d8 "map redq3dm3 ; set nextmap vstr d9"set d9 "map scorn-toxicmetal ; set nextmap vstr d1"vstr d1 // --- network ---seta sv_allowdownload "1" // whether clients are allowed to d/l maps etc from serverset sv_dlURL "http://q3eplus.servequake.com/Quake III Arena/"seta sv_maxRate "25000" // download speed limitseta sv_floodProtect "1" // whether server uses flood-protectionseta sv_master1 "master0.excessiveplus.net:27950" // master servers where the server registers itselfseta sv_master2 "master.ioquake3.org:27950" seta sv_master3 "master.maverickservers.com:27950" seta sv_master4 "dpmaster.deathmask.net:27950" // --- weapons ---seta g_quadfactor "3" // quad damage multiplier, default = 3seta g_weaponrespawn "5" // weapon respawn time in secs, default = 5seta g_friendlyfire "0" // whether you can do damage to your team membersseta g_teamAutoJoin "0" // whether players are automatically added to a teamseta g_teamForceBalance "0" // whether teams are auto-balanced by the serverseta g_forcerespawn "2" // time after which players are forced to respawn, 0 = never // --- movement ---seta pmove_fixed "1" // whether movement is independent of client framerateseta pmove_msec "16" // dont ask me// seta sv_fps "30" // server frame rate // --- bots ---seta bot_enable "1" // whether bots are allowed on the serverseta bot_minplayers "0" // minimum players number, filled up with bots if fewerseta bot_nochat "1" // whether bots are allowed to chat // --- map rotation ---// exec rotation.cfg// exec rotation.txtset xp_rotation "rotation.txt" // ********************** END OF Q3A SERVER FILE **********************
rotation.txt: /* Excessive Plus for Quake III Arena * <a href="//www.excessiveplus.net">www.excessiveplus.net</a> **/ // these will be executed before each map$timelimit = 20;$fraglimit = 35;$g_gametype = GT_FFA; $xp_config = "excessive1.cfg"; /*q3dm1 { $fraglimit = 50;} // both maps will have "$fraglimit = 35"q3dm2pro-q3dm6 q3ctf1 { $g_gametype = GT_CTF; $timelimit = 15; $capturelimit = 10; $xp_config = "excessive3";} // this will be FFA! remember the "$g_gametype = GT_FFA"q3ctf4 **/ // we can have individual conditions//if ( activeClients() >= 8 ) {// q3dm12 {// $timelimit = 10;// }//} // we can access weapon configuration values// but they are read-only//if ( Machinegun->Damage >= 100 ) {// // this is a valid mapname// q3dm17++//} // we can include other files//include("rotation2.txt"); // note, if the mapname conflicts with the syntax (e.g. mapname 'break' will conflict// with the 'break' keyword), you have to wrap them into quotes//"break" {// $fraglimit = 10;//}
@echo off start ioq3ded.x86_64.exe +set dedicated 2 +set fs_game excessiveplus +set vm_game 0 +set com_hunkmegs 512 +set net_port 27960 +exec server.cfg
Any ideas?
Nevermind, sorted it out.