[Resolved]Hi, want to fix this situation plz !

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zarzyn's picture
Joined: Apr 2010
Re: Hi, want to fix this situation plz !

ok but i see demo and you realy cant strafe jump. mouse problem. sure.


zayn's picture
Joined: Oct 2010
Re: Hi, want to fix this situation plz !

if you want i cant strafe jump, its not the matter btw.Just check demo called "Rocket" and tell me if you dont see an obivious difference beetween : 27.16 min, or 27.30 min
and just the first minute in the other demo.I dont know that smash the eyes.

And btw this problem was here all 20 sec the last 2 weeks, and since i posted this its totaly gone.How ? i still have my old mouse, with the same computer and config, all the same.What is this magical thing ? give me a rationnal explaination.

JADO's picture
Joined: Sep 2010
Re: Hi, want to fix this situation plz !

My dear Zayn, I know u are a good guy and I dont know where u get this funny ideas in ur head, I didnt want to post anythnig here cause I rather talk with on server but since u posted that I went in spec to talk that u cheat I must respond cause it makes me laugh so hard. U and I both know that I'm better player then u at this time and I cant remember last time u won in duel against me or in ffa so to think that u cheat would be insane if not stupid.And about ur mouse problem I told u its lag problem and I told u the way how to test it but u wont listen to me cause u think I'm against u. I never heard any1 talk something bad to u, not even in spec behind ur back. I think u must relax a bit and not get emotionally attached to this game. Hf man.

“Do or do not... there is no try.”-Yoda

zarzyn's picture
Joined: Apr 2010
Re: Hi, want to fix this situation plz !

i will not watch this crap again. thx for timescale. .. jado say all in this subject.


zayn's picture
Joined: Oct 2010
Re: Hi, want to fix this situation plz !

Jado i tested what you told me, i tried on local and single player.And it was the same.And now its totaly gone on single and online, so how its possible ? i didn't changed anything.

TanaKa's picture
Joined: May 2010
Re: Hi, want to fix this situation plz !

Salut Zayn! C'est vrai que tu as plutôt un profil de joueur de Quake Live (un peu comme moi) et donc ici beaucoup de choses te chiffoneront, notamment le spam au BFG par exemple. J'étais le "point clignotant" avec le drapeau français sur le Beer Freezer la dernière fois, et je dois dire que tu as une visée plutôt bonne.

"Skill is when luck becomes a habit".

zayn's picture
Joined: Oct 2010
Re: Hi, want to fix this situation plz !

Merci c'est sympa.Je dois quand même t'avouer que je joue très peu a quake live, j'aime pas trop les différences qu'il y a par rapport a la vq3.Voila après je me suis un peu enflammé c'est vrai, mais bon après 2 semaines a galérer et surtout après s'être rendu compte que le problème était systématique lorsque je prenais le rocket launcher.Bah ya de quoi se poser des questions, c'est d'ailleurs pour cela que je suis venu posté ici, histoire d'avoir des explications ou une aide quelconque.Bon maintenant le problème semble être parti, comment ? j'en sais rien du tout.Mais bon je m'en plains pas loin de là, on va dire que c'est un mal pour un bien.

Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Hi, want to fix this situation plz !

Just to add, that i think that you Jado are not fully emotionally detached too Winking why else you call other players bitchez, nolifers, or pedal quaza Big grin

JADO's picture
Joined: Sep 2010
Re: Hi, want to fix this situation plz !

Pepi pepi, stop saying such things, what will people think of me now!? Time out

“Do or do not... there is no try.”-Yoda

Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Hi, want to fix this situation plz !

Aww <3 Jado Big grin

Just while readed your refined comment i imagined you like Quake Proffessor which made me laugh Tongue