In His Pack
Two men are in a desert. They both have packs on. One of the guys is dead. The guy who is alive has his pack open, the guy who is dead has his pack closed. What is in the pack?
(no cheating aimbots)
SAND ftw
h2o (purified water) (never forgett, if u take to much u gonna die anyways)
Playboys, Hustlers and all that.
parachute ?
parachute ?
You are damn right, I am to late on this.
It is sand!
It is sand!
Of course, it makes sense. The dead guy said "Fuck this" and died as he was supposed to die, and the dude who is alive went crazy, filled his pack with sand, and started chewing it, saying to himself it's cool, bubbly water. To make things more interesting, the sand provided enough sustenance for him to get out of the desert and open a restaurant, in which every food is sand, and people love it.
He has a fear for heights!
heh yes Parachute is teh answer.
But imo you are all right anyway, cos the question is a bit silly
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