RKT in 2009

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bfgjon's picture
Joined: May 2006
RO Romania

Deci in primul rand , salut tuturor, la multi ani ...etc...
Anul 2009 pentru clan:
1- se va face "curatenie" in clandatabase
2- sub indrumarea lui Scotty vom face antrenamente severe , pentru a imbunatati team-play-ul ( de fapt o luam de la ZERO, deoarece acesta este jocul nostru de echipa) ,o sa postez pe website-ul nostru programul
3-nu vreau sa mai aud chestii de genul "da-mi link"
4- anul acesta , in ultima perioada am jucat ceva meciuri , multi dintre voi cred ca nici macar nu stiu de ce s-au jucat (alea cu freeze si tdm) Thinking
5- nu mai jucati doar pentru voi (pentru a fi primul la fraguri) , evitati team-shoot-ul
6- vom incerca sa mai recrutam jucatori ACTIVI , daca gasiti pe serverele pe care le frecventati, anuntati pe adi sau pe mine
7- puneti la punct configul cu bind-uri de locatie ,etc..(asta vom folosi )
8-server avem si il vom tine in continuare, nimeni nu va tine sa nu intrati pe el
9-fara chestii de genul"tu ai timp mai mult "etc

P.S. Adi poti traduce in engleza Big grin

p!nky wrote:

futema si tu Tongue

intact-epsilon's picture
Joined: Dec 2006
RKT in 2009

OK so I'll will translate what Jon said in the above post:
So first i would like to say, hello to all, Happy New Year! .. etc..
The year 2009 for our clan will bring :
1- there will be a "cleanup" in the clan-database
2- under the supervise of Scotty we will make severe trainings, to improve our team-play (we will take it from 0, because this is our team-play level ) i will post on our website the schedule
3- i don't want to hear anymore phrases like "give me link"
4- this year, in the last time interval we played some matches, many of you believe that they even don't know why we played those games (the freeze and tdm ones) Thinking
5- don't play anymore for you only (to become first place at frags), avoid team-shootings
6- we will try to recruit more ACTIVE players, if you find players on the servers that you play, announce adi or me
7- get your config done with binds for locations, etc (we will use these)
8- we have server and we will continue with it, no one is keeping you to enter and play on it
9- without phrases like "you have more time" etc.

And btw Happy New Year from me too! Big grin

Bring it on!.. just press the switch .. oh man you are so noob.. the switch is in the other side .. yeah ... Now what?(random text)