*RKT Underworld will be back soon e5r cfg
*RKT Underworld will be back soon e5r cfg , at least 18 spots public, also can be "rented" for free for Cw . FW
Respect pentru asta, bro
Might just reinstall the game for this
FRRR, my initial thought also, but I will see.. the elictricity bills are quite high smh .DEFCON, frate da cine va mai juca din romani / din RKT ?
would it be possible to add the threewave ctf map packs?
just played some games with someone and we both noticed screen shake when taking damage, i think this happens if the server runs for a long time without a restart (i guess the bots are causing it)
Don't You think launching a server on e+ is kinda pointless and waste of money?
Good old e5r
I remember joining sub-inri and not making it to inri because i wasn't good enough. I also didn't like those bfg jumps - probably one of the reasons i was perceived as a noob
Greetings to Nood and all inri members
here they are : https://www.excessiveplus.net/spider/rkt-underworld -hosted at https://pingperfect.com/home.php
https://www.excessiveplus.net/spider/rkt-underworld-duel -hosted at http://noghost.net
futema si tu