
20 replies [Last post]
spraw's picture
Joined: Feb 2010

Hi there dear admins, i would like to address the issue of server map rotation.

Personaly i think that the amount of maps is miserable than it was in the past. What happened to maps like:

  • Mario,
  • 6++,
  • proverek,
  • q3dm11,
  • q3mexx1,
  • cpm9,
  • poq3dm5,
  • ospra3map1,
  • uberkill,
  • and the one i dont really like but other ppl seem to, 1++?

Can you please put them back in rotation? Thank you for reading.

tyfon's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
SE Sweden
Re: Rotation

They were lifted out since the server was mostly empty, and they weren't really playable in 2v2 or 4v4 situations. The server has been packed the past few weeks, so not sure if that had anything to do with it. Personally most of the maps you listed there are awful maps for tag, but one or two could be lifted in.

I'd like to see a more dynamic rotation that's changed once a month or every week. All IMO of course.

spraw's picture
Joined: Feb 2010
Re: Rotation

I understand that, server was mostly empty during summer and it was nice to play dm6 or dm8. Now, as people are getting a bit more active, i think they should update the rotation not necessarily with the maps i listed. Those are just maps i remember playing on beer and i did enjoy them. Even Blue Cathedral was nice on full server (when it wasn't rotated). +1 for dynamic rotation.

tyfon's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
SE Sweden
Re: Rotation

Yeah, the rotation at the moment is a collection of smallish fast maps. A couple of big ones could be added I think, that said as the rotation looked I think it was unsustainable (like 8 large maps in a row).

Joinz's picture
Joined: Oct 2006
Re: Rotation

i once spoke to zont about random rotation, he said he included it and for a while it also worked, dunno about it now. it was always the same maps in a random order though. if u (mirc) mean a dynamic rotation with weekly or monthly changing maps, i'd also like to see that.
otherwise i think sp is right, beer is full again and we should have some of those maps back, my personal list goes like that:

- 6++ (but also dm6)
- dm11
- q3mexx1
- cpm9
- poq3dm5
- ospra3map1

ofc its a personal opinion and through callvote maps a lot of ppl like can be changed anyways, so rather more maps than not enough.

also pls delete the dredwerkz Winking

Joined: Mar 2011
Re: Rotation

Yo BSA, I really enjoy playing at your server, but the rotation is bad atm. The server is more active lately (almost every night full server), so please give us back our maps! For example: 6++, Dm11, q3mexx1, cpm9, poq3dm5, ospra3map1, 1++ and some more

cheers, divin

Forum moderator Rank moderator LIVING LEGEND
camel-xp's picture
Joined: Mar 2006
Re: Rotation

Joinz's picture
Joined: Oct 2006
Re: Rotation

just found this one.
hope beer.freeze will finally change rotation until next year (or sth like that). i voted yes to all maps i dont know yet and would really wish to see some of the listed maps back in rotation...

Bazz's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
Re: Rotation

haaaaaaaallo,we neeeed rotationnnnnn,any1 can do it asap ?? Love struck

Joined: Mar 2011
Re: Rotation

server is getting more and more active and the small rotation (both the maps and the size of the rotation are small) is getting annoying. Could you add: Mario, 6++, q3mexx1, poq3dm5, ospra3map1 plz? I already voted for these maps, but it doesn't seem to work

cheers, divin

Joinz's picture
Joined: Oct 2006
Re: Rotation

Yes please add all the maps, even the ones I don't like Winking .