Please give to the existing config files rotation.txt
especially for Bananarail.cfg and PlusN cfg
It's not hard to create it)
all maps you can see here
for example
like this ?
or i dont understand your english sorry :
if you want to create a rotation.txt then should look at this page:
it contains all the documentation you need, to understand how to create a rotation file that can have multiple maps with different configurations for each map.
gl & happy fragging
p.s. its must unlikely that they will want to release their rotation file .. but you can create one that is like that using the documentation link above and the information Asphyx provided 2 you.
belive me you will wait less if you create it then if they will see this post and give that you ya
rotation file is a part of their server config. (it's still a config). it can have changes many times.
i feel that you are loosing time with this
happy waiting then ^_^

Why not Release his Rotation file??? It's no config... just rotate ) I don't have time to create that...
We don't have time to help you either
I know it!!!
but I don't know:
1) map's, what using in bananarail.cfg and PlusN.cfg
2) how gametype, timelimit and other configuration's for this map's