rr.cfg | v3
I have got tired to wait the author to post it on this forum so here it is.
It's up to the author to do this and give details about.
Edited by epsi: Added rr3 version converted for e+ 2.2a (made by illca)
Nice, nice.
Propably will add some feature soon,
something like rr_itemstyle "1" and "2"
2 - default, with armors and powerups
1 - nothing to collect, instarail

Propably will add some feature soon,
something like rr_itemstyle "1" and "2"
2 - default, with armors and powerups
1 - nothing to collect, instarail
oh yes better say to me when you do this change and i set all in fight for a candy 1vs 1
ip MATRYOSHKA 1vs1 for who want try
delete the topic pls

rr v3 for e+ 2.2a
updated by iilca (i think)Mods could u put this in first post on top of the thread, pls
ok now work on ftag too
dete whole topic pls
Admin pls delete whole topic i made a new one.
@xvi ben edykt: I didn't want to edit his post. I have asked him many times to put the cfg and others on config zone, but he didn't. He was puting all in ranking zone.
When he will edit his own topic or create a new valid one then ok.
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