Ok I wanted to make a new RTF cfg but I am having problems finding it the RTF cfg or gametype 5. I would like to set it up so when you return or capture the flag you get 10 points not 1 and when you get a defense you get 5 points but I cant find anywhere to change that at do you guys know??? I would like to make a real fast paced RTF+ cfg with some diff weapon cfgs to so help me out guys.
Changing the drop flag time is fun too. Make it long like 180 and hide the flag with drop flag cmd and return for it or make it short like 20 and when you get shot with the flag it automatically returns.
here near bottom of cfg
holdable_teleporter: 60;
holdable_medkit: 60;
// special case, this is the return time when dropped
// unfair? no, we use max(redflag, blueflag)
team_CTF_redflag: 20;
team_CTF_blueflag: 20;
Amount {
item_armor_shard: 20;
item_armor_combat: 100;
item_armor_body: 200;
item_health_small: 50;
item_health: 100;
item_health_large: 200;
item_health_mega: 420;
item_quad: 19;
item_enviro: 9;
item_haste: 58;
item_invis: 17;
item_regen: 16;
item_flight: 29;
weapon_machinegun: 40;
weapon_shotgun: 10;
weapon_grenadelauncher: 10;
weapon_rocketlauncher: 10;
weapon_lightning: 100;
weapon_railgun: 10;
weapon_plasmagun: 50;
weapon_bfg: 20;
ammo_bullets: 50;
ammo_shells: 10;
ammo_grenades: 5;
ammo_rockets: 5;
ammo_lightning: 60;
ammo_slugs: 10;
ammo_cells: 30;
ammo_bfg: 15;
Look what i found there is more than 1 type of RTF BADASSS!!!!!
/* Return the Flag Modes
* 0 - CTF
* 1 - Return the Flag
* 2 - Return the Flag Special (no double Flag)
* 3 - Defend the Flag
* 4 - Multi-Flag CTF
Flag: 1;
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