Running Excessive in Raspberry
Hi People
I am running this mod on my raspberry, which is quite nice because overall power consumption is maximum 5W (yeah like joke).
Since all my friends are QL players i have decided to use this mod because seems like most up to date one is this one considering hitbox enhancements and fps undependency and edawn background.
Currently my server is running QU4KEZER0.pk3 and i have already coverted and fixed bunch of stuff of newest QL maps. But im curious about distribution.
Is there any possibility to require download any other pk3 to download another pk3 through http redirect downloads. IE. current map is blackcathedral.pk3 but server will require QL00.pk3 to be to downloaded inorder to download blackcathedral.pk3? Because lots of textures and other stuff depend on the that.
Another question is that, is it possible to get excesiveplus 2.2b shared libraries instead of virtual machine. I am running this thing in a very low performance device and interpretter wastes a lot of resource.
Please feel free to test my server and please use ioq3 client to download map fastest and and some new maps will require. png textures default clint wonthandle that.
If anyone is interested i can share ssh acces and RCON.
RaspberryP! QuakeLive IOQ3E+
I think you could solve your problem ( )
By default the quake 3 engine is downloading the pk3 which has in itself all the required files. If not then the required files are expected to be already on the server and on the client.
You cannot download other pk3s
You cannot do http redirects, quake 3 uses a lower protocol layer (UDP) and is not compatible with http redirects. More details see the quake3/ioquake3 sources and other documentation wiki.
So the
q3 sources don't provide this but you can implement it yourself if you
want. But must be done on client (redirect command from sender) and server
(receiver: search & get the requested content)
This done improperly Might start a chain of pk3 downloads ending with getting more pk3s then first intended. So be careful here.
I suggest you to use what V1979 posted above.
crazy shit man, raspberry is awesome and insanely cheap for its performance as well! With how much FPS are you able to run the game?

you have done a magnificent job with ql maps thanks again for that. i have checked all the thread but the problem with your approach is that users need to update their common pk3 files manually. Actually this is not a problem this is how its supposed to be BUT you know community lazy as hell and dont care about the details. 04m has this maps seperately packed up but his links are down so i contacted him on pm.
Since IOq3 client can download pk3 files thorugh web server filesize is not a problem and download rate is fast enough. Still im open to suggestions.
thanks for your time to answer my question however i was expecting someone to tell me otherwise in some magic way. Truth hurts. But i want to correct something you mentioned above IOQ3 client does support http download and redirects with libcurl library i tested this and it is working i can download a map 1mbyte per sec.
and please help me to find the answer for my last question.
I am running excessive mod with VM files but my device is ARM and not very rich on resource. Is it possible to have shared libraries built for arm architecture. (dont say no guys). I know thismod is closed source so i cant cross compile it.
here is my tiny little excessive server