S.E.A.R.C.H. cup
S.E.A.R.C.H. (Steal, Evade, Anticipate, Run, Cap, Hunt)
- General Info -
01. Sign ups: till 28.02.2011
02. Event start: 01.03.2011
03. Clans: no limit
04. Gametype: Capture The Flag [g_gametype "4"]
05. Config: moderninsta.cfg v1.1 (http://www.excessiveplus.net/files/forum/2011/01/moderninsta_0.zip)
06. Timelimit: "15"
07. Fraglimit: "0"
08. Capturelimit: "0"
09. Friendlyfire "0"
10. xp_matchmode "1"
11. xp_suddendeath "1"
12. punkbuster: on
13. pure: on
- Client settings -
14. cl_timeNudge "0"
15. rate: "25000"
16. snaps between 30 and 125
17. cl_maxpackets between 60 and 125
- Clans Info -
15. Minimum allowed players per clan during game is 3.
15a.When there is more than 3 players on server minimum players required is 4.
16. Maximum allowed players per clan during game is 4.
17. Players coming from another participating clan have to wait 2 games before they are allowed to play.
18. Players outside those clans have to wait 1 game before they can play in event.
19. Referee needed to record mvd.
20. Every valid game will be considered as a game for the CTF of RAILONLY side Clan Rank.
21. Please set date and play accordingly.
22. If a match isnt played within deadline there will be WO.
* If one clan doesnt reply = WO [use forums]
* If one clan doesnt show up after 20 minutes after set time [Time set on public forums] =WO
* If one clan can't or doesn't have enough members during whole deadline time = WO
[Please don't sign up unless u can and want to play]
* WO will be counted as normal loss/win in tournament.
- Cup System -
23. One week, one game.
24. Games will be played in BEST OF 3 system (minimum 2 maps for team to win the match).
25. Finals will be played in BEST OF 5 system (minimum 3 maps for team to win the finals).
- Maps -
26. Maplist:
3v3 - q3wcp6, q3wcp7, q3wcp8, q3wcp16, q3wcp17, q3wcp23, q3wxs1, mkbase.
4v4 - q3wcp1, q3wcp3, q3wcp5, q3wcp9, q3wcp21, q3w2, q3w5, q3wc6.
4v4 is default, when not enough players on server to play 4v4, then match must be played 3v3 with.
inks for maps:
27. Maps will be drawn for each round by bot on irc, excluding previously played ones.
CLANLEADERS please sign up your clans with members participating + provide contact.
- Clans Signed In - ( 1 )
02. [clan]r2[/clan]
03. [clan]RSQT[/clan]
05. [clan]DangerZone[/clan]
- Maps for each round -
3v3 maps: q3wxs1, q3wcp6, tie map: q3wcp23
4v4 maps: q3wcp3,q3w5, tie map: q3wcp1
3v3 maps: q3wcp16, q3wcp7, tie map: q3wcp8
4v4 maps: q3w2, q3wcp5, tie map: q3wcp21
Still one more fix need to be done to moderninsta.cfg
I'm talking about the knockback when your teammate shoots u and g_frienldyfire is 0
Right now there is no knockback, imo on CTF it is very important "tactical" thing.
U can speed up teammate running away with enemy's flag by shoting him in the back
will add it asap and upload this cfg.
maybe r4e09f?

Still one more fix need to be done to moderninsta.cfg
I'm talking about the knockback when your teammate shoots u and g_frienldyfire is 0
Right now there is no knockback, imo on CTF it is very important "tactical" thing.
U can speed up teammate running away with enemy's flag by shoting him in the backwill add it asap and upload this cfg.
ok uploaded by syntax to first post
now let's rock
What about Standard maps ? q3ctf1 - 4 ?
feedback about the config :
* A knockback from only 120 by the Rail is not enough for a good moving.
* Anti camp = no good for holding the defense on ctf
suggestion :
Firing Weight = 1.0 -> 0.93 ( for examble ) by the gauntlet . By activating the attack button you can run faster.
i think its nice when u have the flag
Good ideas! I agree with asphyx, knockback should be bigger, and ye... running faster with gaunt
where is my post? oO
where is my post? oO
dunno Oo
try this cfg for ctf first