server creating
i want create a rail only freeze tag server can i :
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Just buy! f.e. Gameservers
i think he want homemade server :F? right?
You have to get (or create yourself) a config and put it on the /excessiveplus/conf/ directory. Then you need to load that config with the /load server command.
first be sure what u have external ip better if it'll fixed ip (ask ur provider if u don't know how find out it). In one word u must how u connecting to the internet.
make text file in quake folder and call it startq3server.bat (I presume u working in windows OS) and place there next:
for excessiveplus 1.03:
quake.exe +set fs_game excessiveplus +set dedicated 2 +set net_port 27960 +exec server.cfg
for excessiveplus 2.0a:
quake.exe +set fs_game excessiveplus +set vm_game 0 +set dedicated 2 +set net_port 27960 +exec server.cfg
server.cfg (search it in e+ folder)- it's text file with ur server settings such as:
set sv_hostname "Server name"
set xp_unlagged 1
set sv_maxclients 8
set sv_strictAuth 0
set sv_pure 0
set rconpassword "blabla"
set sv_allowdownload 1
set com_hunkMegs 32
set com_zoneMegs 32
map q3ctf4
\load conf\gameconfig.cfg
ofcourse this is not all settings but for first steps enough. Also look rotation.txt
P.S. - Read docs in excessiveplus(version 1.03) folder and more info u can get in inet (google help u )
i can create a server but i can use only default settings. i want use other configs and yes,i want homemade server.