Server help
28. June 2005 - 14:19
on my server, (QL)FFA i leave it on from 7:30am-9:00pm and evry time I turn it on I have to change the port and some ports dont work because ive used them before. Can some1 mabey make me a script or give me a crontab file or just a file that will make my server stop responding and than start responding like 2-3 hours la8ter so it will show up at the top.
I want my server 2 check if any1 is on it and if clients = 0 restart it with a random port I think this might work but I dont know how 2 make it restart witha random port if clients = 0.
* */1 * * */active_players
* */1 * * */(if active_players = 0 restart with a random port)
Plz help
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