®SFC // C4 2:0 ZMB 16.06.2010
Didn't know Ozgitz is in C4

Didn't know Ozgitz is in C4
hi hazo i post it in new clan members:

so here are the first 2 catches as fullmeber in -C4-
OZG1TZ -----> : -C4- OZG1TZ
WICKED ( RUS ) ----- > : -C4- WICKED
Welcome to a very nice family ...GooD Luck Have FUn ...
so gg sry for a little bit delay of players. i had in game before match started son dont want sleeping probs.. very good game well played zmb... always both maps in the beginning u was forward because we need to warm up and in the middle our play was a little bit better then yours...
anyway good luck in other wars... and sushi have a bad day ...lappen
and IO had bad lags ...
regards asp--
ooo000OO00oo, nice c4, great perform ozgi and others , gg
Well played both, good job m8s
Well played all.
ZMB - nice to see some of you guys who are so inactive - atleast in the e+ scene
Hey !GG !I feel so sorry about me not beeing active at the moment…I just really feel bad
Well played C4 . Next time ZMB
dunno... i'm never playing CW's anymore...
gg C4