shooting block and weapon lag issue

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//▲~ GMZ ~▲\\
Joined: Nov 2011

Hello everyone,

I have a shooting block and weapon lag issue, I thought it could be cause of lag or internet connection but appeared lately that it was not the issue, as it happen while playing single player locally, and it is so obvious and most likely to happen while aimed right at some player, later on after I been suffering from this issue I noticed that this happens only at some certain distances but not sure if the distance is what got to do with it, and mostly to happen at too close distances between 1 - 6 Meters if we compare it to real life dimensions,

The other issue is weapon lag as what happens is that weapon refuses to switch and some times switches to other weapons than the desired, this issue too got something to do with aiming at players as it seems to be related to the distance between my location at the game and the versus player too.

example would be, using a lightning on but then the player moves to a far distance then trying to switch to another weapon but refuses several attempts while lightning hanging in there and keeps on shooting....

Another, a close player, using shotgun on, click.... click nothing, switch to rail, click.... click nothing....

Thank you for reading!

I hope you got any solution or answer for solving this issue

Have fun at E+ and never take it with hard feelings no matter how much you lose nor how much stupid or dump or punk or bad or blithering idiot the player you are playing with really is, it's just a game and we are here to have fun and enjoy our times!!

fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
Re: shooting block and weapon lag issue

on how much fps u playing? not to much? better use 125 Winking

in_mouse? (try -1)

that kind of situations can happen if the input sufers from a low preformance, when q3 have to much priority and cpu cant proced all frames in time, it is higly posible u trying to play on fps 250/333 and pc performance is to low for that

also this is far more stronger on in_mouse 1, thats why u should try -1

there is another option, in plusn cfg when u switch weapon it does not meant its ready to fire instantly, u need to wait for loading then u can fire, often ppl seeing the gun apeared and they presing the fire without waiting and thats why gun does not fire.
most ppl ignore that guns have two positions witch is ready to fire and loading, in plusn u can switch weapons as fast as u are capable of but to fire u need to wait for the loading time

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trb's picture
Joined: Jul 2010
HU Hungary
Re: shooting block and weapon lag issue

i have also weap lag is it possible to fix it without changing in_mouse? If im on in_mouse -1 it gives me an unsmooth mouse control i just cant play with it.

silence is better than bullshit

//▲~ GMZ ~▲\\
Joined: Nov 2011
Re: shooting block and weapon lag issue

Thank you animal for the nice tips, but yet we are not getting any closer to some solution, I am aware of all what you said here, fps shall be at a fixed rate for optimum performance!! but yet is not the issue, as I am using the 125fps.... and it is pretty much fixed Happy yet you reminded me now to try the 250 and the 333 which I always wanted to do since I joined the E+ but never really did xD and guess what, the machine is still as smooth at 333fps as butter on a hot cooking ware!! though a laptop it is.... Winking but never drops, it flashes sometimes to 316 but too much rare and so fast to happen

My in_mouse is -1 since I hate smooth mouse too!

And last is that lightning, plazma and machine gun have no load time buddy so how possible could be that the issue is caused by load time, shotgun and rail were just an example.... as I demonstrated with click.... click mainly to cover the issue of load time too, but it happens with all weapons Sad

Yet weapon locks shooting (means keeps up shooting) and refuses to switch, in addition to lagy switching.... undesired switching (means plazma comes out instead of shotgun as an example....etc)

One more thing buddy, why your name is animal?? I guess I caught your point but still makes no sense, since I guess you are trying to say that human is an animal, and yes!! but human is the animal with heart and mind) which what makes human is no animal! so animal is different than human, and you are very smart buddy and you seem to have a heart too!! xD

So can't be called animal! and the name fala is very nice since as far as I know you are called fala too right?! if so you need to know what it means in arabic xD

Please friend use your experince to make more suggestions

Have fun at E+ and never take it with hard feelings no matter how much you lose nor how much stupid or dump or punk or bad or blithering idiot the player you are playing with really is, it's just a game and we are here to have fun and enjoy our times!!

TanaKa's picture
Joined: May 2010
Re: shooting block and weapon lag issue

By the way, not the topic but, is it considered as forbidden to play at 333 fps?

"Skill is when luck becomes a habit".

xvibenedykt's picture
Joined: Jul 2008
PL Poland
Re: shooting block and weapon lag issue

what OS you use?

//▲~ GMZ ~▲\\
Joined: Nov 2011
Re: shooting block and weapon lag issue

@ delight, I am not sure about this issue if fps falls under some lows here in E+

@ benedykt, I am using windows 7, but recently tryed xp and same issue still persist, I maybe and only maybe think that input hardwares or drivers got to do with this issue, but in the past while having no problem at all with this I been having it while playing with some specific players online, so that all together makes me confused regarding which probablities could fit here

Have fun at E+ and never take it with hard feelings no matter how much you lose nor how much stupid or dump or punk or bad or blithering idiot the player you are playing with really is, it's just a game and we are here to have fun and enjoy our times!!

fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
Re: shooting block and weapon lag issue

if it drops below the fps cap it usualy means the pc performance is to low, the game can work smoothly at 333fps but when enemy shoting to u or u see many players frozzen infront of u then the fps can drop an then u will face the lag

those things u are writing about; attack block, weapon not fire, switch problems, ocur when u play on in_mouse 1, u are sure in the cfg u put in_mouse -1; and after that in_restart? as i was saying it is related to low performance of pc (the fps dont need to drop below the cap, its when the cpu works at 100% )

reducing usb polling rate to 500-250Hz may also help to decresse the bug problem if not completelly eliminate it

maybe other aplication working in the background? antyvirus? firewall? skype? btw. very good idea is to set idle proces priority and afinitty for last core to pnkbuster services whitch causing performance lags also

what priority and affinity have the q3 process? try lowering and increasing priority.

also nowdays gfx drives have multicore managment but with game like q3 is it does not working to good, especially on two core cpu, for example ati driver when i have this option enabled in increses performance but makes ghosting in my game or fps lgs, when i increse q3 priority to realtime and set it to only one core and i forget to disable in the driver option it makes pc frezze Winking but with disabled ati mutlicore support it works smooth

so better for q3 to disable multicore support

about my nick is rather complex; training, work, movie, some raw life atitude, aside the dogmat that animals have no souls is made as an excuse by the religion to let u kill them with free counces and feed on them, if u would see how dogs welcome me home u wouldnt think they have no "heart"

what does fala means btw?

I am addicted to life.

TanaKa's picture
Joined: May 2010
Re: shooting block and weapon lag issue

Fala, do you still have the demo of your best time on ERADM17 server please?

"Skill is when luck becomes a habit".

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Re: shooting block and weapon lag issue
D3L1GH7 wrote:

Fala, do you still have the demo of your best time on ERADM17 server please?

no need, try benchmark instead. Way more difficult.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

TanaKa's picture
Joined: May 2010
Re: shooting block and weapon lag issue

Benchmark? Which benchmark? What you mean sorry I didn't understand

"Skill is when luck becomes a habit".