Since when do u play Q3?
18. August 2006 - 7:31
Since when do u play Q3?
I have played since the beginning of Quake III. I don't know how long is that. Maybe from 1999 or 1998. I remember the millennium on Quake servers - thats for sure.
Lol, and i was wondering why are you so god-damned good. GJ.
18. August 2006 - 21:34
Since when do u play Q3?
Lol, and i was wondering why are you so god-damned good. GJ.
I'm not that good lol. If u look my playing closely, you can see that I can't strafe and shoot with mg at all.
21. August 2006 - 1:36
Since when do u play Q3?
If you're as beautiful as you're modest, you're the next miss universe, no doubt.
Not good, eh? Then tell me - why are you always ending up being in the top two (top three on bad days ) when i'm seeing you play?