Smilie Zendo
22. October 2008 - 14:11
Smilie Zendo
I thought everyone can try only once? Haha :D8)
22. October 2008 - 14:15
Smilie Zendo
22. October 2008 - 14:21
Smilie Zendo
The rule:
Two smilies that are the same (doesn't matter what smileys they are, though) on the far left and far right, a smiley followed by surprised smiley in the center.
22. October 2008 - 14:21
Smilie Zendo
22. October 2008 - 14:24
Smilie Zendo
Try to look at all the Koans, they are all pasted in the very first post. Notcie the difference between the good one and all the bad ones Try making another good one
No, my Student.
You are on a good path to enlightement, my Student.
I am proud of spreading a pirated Excessive Plus version and claim to be the original author, yay!