smurfs recruting / rail only
Hi, smurfs are looking for one or two players,
what we reguire from you?
- be active
- be frinedly
- have similar skill to ours
beat me in 1v1 game : D
if you are interesting, pm me
good luck ..
hey all are invite to kicks narancas ass... and then u can catch a nice place by the smurfs..
hurry up..

beat me in 1v1 game : D
hehe GL recruits
cmon guys or even girls dont be shy...
hey smufs!!! can i join ?
Nick: Ebashu aka tgk
Country: Russia
Age: 19
Last clan: d4,sneaky bastards,rs.
How long you play: 1.5 years

hey smufs!!! can i join ?
Nick: Ebashu aka tgk
Country: Russia
Age: 19
Last clan: d4,sneaky bastards,rs.
How long you play: 1.5 years
nice catch when u take him ...with wallhack and aimbot included...
lol asphys! Keep silent plz! i never use cheats// IF shadow and pussik my teammate use cheats It does not mean cheats too..
if You doubt in my decency. ok go 1vs1 pb pure on and give ref..for rank!!!!
u use proof wh and ligas give u all the same cheats man , dont tell me u dont use it ...and stfu ..this is not the right place to discuss it in a recruitment forum ...sry naranca...
well Aspyx! You will agree play 1vs1 vs me ? But if u lose , u should apologise before me...
ehhhhh no...i dont trust u and i stay by my meaning ......and i dont need to play vs you ...because i dont care if i loose or win...
helo my freund want joining))) him name Flex c: