Someone pls help! Damage thaw only for own team!
Defoult config quote:
/* Defrost if you reach the damage.
* You won't get any points for that.
* 0 - Disabled
* > 0 - You can defrost your enemys, be careful were you are shooting at.
* < 0 - Only own team.
Damage Thaw = 1000;
Config quote:
//Gametype Setup
Freeze Tag {
Thaw Time = -3;
Self Thaw Time = Water Thaw Time = 130;
Lava Thaw Time = Slime Thaw Time = 5;
Void Thaw Time = 10;
Crushed Thaw Time = 0.001;
Thaw Distance = 150;
Thaw Score = 2;
Teleport Thaw = no;
Damage Thaw = -700;
Teamkill Freeze = no;
Why not working?
here an examble that works...
Freeze Tag {
Thaw Time = -3;
Self Thaw Time = 130;
Water Thaw Time = 130;
Void Thaw Time = 10;
Lava Thaw Time = 5;
Slime Thaw Time = 5;
Thaw Distance = 150;
Thaw Score = 2;
Teleport Thaw = no;
Damage Thaw = 10000;
Team Kill Freeze = no;
i think -700 wont work
* < 0 - Only own team. What about this? why i can't use this option?
u need to ask beast or mod admins i dunno know why!
I'm not sure and haven't tested but it seems this line making issue :
[code:1]Crushed Thaw Time = 0.001; [/code:1]
The best is to launch a server with default.cfg, then try
[code:1]/rcon load conf/yourconf[/code:1]
and check the console for errors if there are.
ok, but you have to wait the evening. I don't have Q3 at work
hm, negative damage thaw really doesn't work for teammates, and positive works both for teammates and enemies, as it was said in default.cfg. we should tell beast.
new server update with following
- fix: negative thaw damage.
* < 0 - Only own team. What about this? why i can't use this option?