Spammer around Excessive Plus
Well guys, it seems we have some idiots using an exploit to crash our servers. If your server keeps crashing with the error message
ERROR: Info_SetValueForKey: oversize infostring
then your server is being attacked as well.
IP of that idiot: (
What can you do?
Wait until id software releases a new point release or download and apply this fix.
Or block them with a firewall:
iptables -I INPUT 1 -p udp -m mport --dports 27960 -m string --string "\xff\xff\xff\xffgetstatus" -m length --length 50:inf -j DROP
iptables -I INPUT 1 -p udp -m mport --dports 27960 -m string --string "\xff\xff\xff\xffgetinfo" -m length --length 50:inf -j DROP
Thanks easy I added the ip to the ban list how exaclty is he crashing the servers without rcon?
He can crash servers with an old school packet dump...similiar to crashing/booting yahoo, msn, & other chat clients but on a larger scale.
Send enough packets and you can crash a network or even restart the victims' computer.
Purest evil... :twisted:
I used neotrace of this IP, located in Nürnberg.
man what a dick head
hmmm.... this IP is a Germyn IP from T-Online.
i think its a Dynamic IP.
![[MR.]GibletGrinder [MR.]GibletGrinder](/files/screenname/31d767d8ea9a6610f1965ae181ef0f0a.webp)
Send enough packets and you can crash a network or even restart the victims' computer.
So this is basically a DOS attack?
oh so he is just changing his packets to a higher amount which crashes the server? oh i got it now if thats what it is.
![parasight [E+] parasight [E+]](/files/screenname/0cca6e59cbebd181b39825a534a9b15a.webp)
So this is basically a DOS attack?
Not sure if that is what he is doing, but this is one possibility.
i dont understand punks that think its ok, nice, and funny to hack servers, IMHO i wouldnt even call u a hacker arshole, ur are a scriptkidde who had a hard childhood
Hmmm why he want to crash servers for this nice MOD
Exploit slip, dont need rcon just a crafty codeman : /