spam for ntg
trivium dont close this topic!
its spam
man stop creating such useless thread .... it's forum waste space
man stop creating such useless thread .... it's forum waste space
He says in a post in the useless thread..
It's like those people that use "reply all" in a company wide mailgroup to say "I can't come". And then next person is beeing an equal idiot replying "Don't use reply all to say that you can't come, use only reply" .... to all. Then next wiseass telling second person that it would be better to tell the first person directly by using reply instead of reply all. And while this third person is sending out this very useful information he feels it would be a good idea to let EVERYONE in the maillist know this so he also uses reply all. Now persons number 4 to 50 are starting to get really annoyed by this and 36 of them realizes that it wont help to tell them and just live with it, 5 will actually use reply to tell the individual idiots how to use outlook and 5 will inevitably use "reply all" to say "stop sending reply-all"
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wrote:man stop creating such useless thread .... it's forum waste spaceHe says in a post in the useless thread..
It's like those people that use "reply all" in a company wide mailgroup to say "I can't come". And then next person is beeing an equal idiot replying "Don't use reply all to say that you can't come, use only reply" .... to all. Then next wiseass telling second person that it would be better to tell the first person directly by using reply instead of reply all. And while this third person is sending out this very useful information he feels it would be a good idea to let EVERYONE in the maillist know this so he also uses reply all. Now persons number 4 to 50 are starting to get really annoyed by this and 36 of them realizes that it wont help to tell them and just live with it, 5 will actually use reply to tell the individual idiots how to use outlook and 5 will inevitably use "reply all" to say "stop sending reply-all"
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i hoped only that moderators delete an other spam topic, the ntg forum opened 2 days ago and already a spam shit thread.
I think that 30% of e+ forum is spam only to get +1 like you wrote, it's waste, useless and boring, no matter where i write it, in this spam topic or in an other 1...
yeah thanks... i think spam topics are shit... when someone open a topic then make something in it that is about the clan... i think its better than just SPAAAMMM...
i think we close this topic...
ui...the spamm topic is open again... so...
this is a load of bs..
if at least ppl talked about some useful/funny stuff, but no..
most of these posts just have the word "spam" written with a smiley add-on :geek: are right.... but i think its funny, too. it has no really sense but its nice so...
What's funny about that?