Sphere or round end
hey peeps, i'm making a map but i have been tricked by evils. i cant seem to get a sphere or anything that is remotely round apart from cylinder and cone i want to used a brush to make a round pipe turn 90 degrees in given direction but i cant find anything that will give me the intersection. i have tried all end caps and and the ones i want don't work bevel, endcap, Inverted bevel, inverted endcap. i have also tried the sphere primitive but that does not work. basicly gtkradient does not like round things D:
I use GTKradient 1.5 cause its the only one which work on windows 7
check this tutorial, it helped me alot:
& this1 too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MN66OqaJQNg&feature=related
and so on .. check them
Meteor add me in msn pls if you need help just ask me
check my proffile
(<----- click on my name )
nice spheres insanekid! waw
epsimap - wazzup?
Ok ive just realized what the caps were for
but still no intersection