strange lag
today i had strange lags on beer.
every 2,5 - 4 mins i had a 100% lag for about 10 seks.
lagometer shows the bargraph on top - so it must be serverside.
normally my ping is about 30 and i dont have lags at all.
hope you can help me
If it would have been a serverside lag, than all would have had this lag.
I had a similar problem few weeks ago, but I doubt you have the same. I had a pretty easy password for my wlan and a neighbor surfed on my wlan, and any time he did a bigger download or switched quiet often the pages I had also 100 % packetlost. After 3 days with this problem I found it out it was my neighbor.
I had to report him to the police, just for the case he did download or made such illegal stuff with my ip. He told me he gonna beat me up, but yet he tried nothing even not I told him to do so.
Also possible for you is:
- A bad hop between you and server
- You have performance drops on ur inet connection like a friend of mine had it once when he dropped from DSL 6.000 suddenly to a connection performance less than isdn, just because too many people in his area were surfing at once. Provider fixed that meanwhile, but this problem is not seldom.
I suggest to secure wlan more then with wap2 - best is still however to use a fucking lan cable then wlan >_>
and the lag you described is definitly caused by wifi, try turning wifi off and use a cable for a day - you save the time finding the exact problem.
ps: @mow: depending on his physical body I would have beat him up. Nobody fucking disturbs my gaming if he hasn't the right on the connection.
Skull, i stoped beeing violent when i was 17, the time when i met my wife (1997 )
Since them i let others start beeing violent, i just hit back i don't start with it anymore.
From myside, with my pc i am connected with cabel, but we have also a notebook and a stream to our tv (video rental store, i don't miss you), so wifi is needed anyway, also for radio
are u sure about ur 25.000 >>mbit<< connection? hehe
That would be an incredible connection
If it would have been a serverside lag, than all would have had this lag.
I had a similar problem few weeks ago, but I doubt you have the same. I had a pretty easy password for my wlan and a neighbor surfed on my wlan, and any time he did a bigger download or switched quiet often the pages I had also 100 % packetlost. After 3 days with this problem I found it out it was my neighbor.
I had to report him to the police, just for the case he did download or made such illegal stuff with my ip. He told me he gonna beat me up, but yet he tried nothing even not I told him to do so.
Also possible for you is:
- A bad hop between you and server
- You have performance drops on ur inet connection like a friend of mine had it once when he dropped from DSL 6.000 suddenly to a connection performance less than isdn, just because too many people in his area were surfing at once. Provider fixed that meanwhile, but this problem is not seldom.
I bet he was leeching you more than 3 days
about the lag, i cant do anything if my ping raised some day from 50 to 60 on beer server, its just the routing.
oh come on camel, I don't fucking care if my ping is 30 50 60 or even 133.7 :F E+ is unlagged and its perfectly playable. Just camp less.
i saw today ultraviolet with ping nearly 400, no packetloss and yet speccing him was smooth, he was like he had no delay at all
never forget term+ played with ping 350 on eu servers.
nobody of admins has an idear ??????????????????????