I think only the leader's should be able to make clanwars, than it gets all messed up and confusing if everyone makes clanwars, its just a suggestion
Good points!
Lets straighten this out:
All BRO's may challange other teams (low/medium ranked teams ).
BUT ask your teammates first so that u have enough of available players.
Do NOT accept a challange without knowing this. I allways say: "I'll see if I can gather enough players"
This last week BRO has played 3 or 4 non ranked CW's.
How many of u did know that? (and Praw rocks... no he ROCKS!)
I was asked by the other teams and I invited all BRO's available (who responded on msn/icq).
Last game I had to invite non BRO players (Saint, Diablo and Xab) to even make a team! We are 20+ players and I couldnt find 5!
Pont is, If u r not active you might miss out on a few games.
I managed to find a screen where Praw wasnt the top fragger of our team
The reason for ppl having to ask be4 acting is to keep some kind of order in this team.
We play 4 fun. There is NO fun in not playing, is there?
Ofc its more fun to win, so take every opportunity to practise...
I play atleast 4 hours a week
While in the subject of practising...
Today (friday) only 3-4 BRO's showed up (out of 20+ players)!
No reasons given.
Why is that?
Is this cool?
I think u might have to read the forums on and off.
Also, it would be a good idea to be online on msn/icq as much as possible.
ICQ supports offline messages
In a 20+ member team u have too seek some knowledge I'm afraid
Oh, my ISP failed to deliver my 24 mbit conn today
Nevertheless, I have prepared my serverbox with the files nessesary to run a Q3 E+ 1.03 server (thanx Adler, cfg ~ Ringzero).
I just cant get my hands on Mullders latest cfg...
How about an internal BRO only 1on1 tournament?
A 1on1 BRO only tournament is coming up
+1 4 me too
wow, i thought you guys would get pissed at me, i just feel bad that fl had to wait so long to get a clan war date/time