[Suggestion] Adding other weapons and items
When weapons and power-ups of Team Arena and also the green armor (25 points) and blue armor (200 points - that is, if I'm not mistaken, from Quake Live) will be added to the mod ExcessivePlus?

When weapons and power-ups of Team Arena and also the green armor (25 points) and blue armor (200 points - that is, if I'm not mistaken, from Quake Live) will be added to the mod ExcessivePlus?
I believe firstly, you have to make a pk3 file, wich contains item models, shaders, textures etc.
then you have to make either ents file, wich will override existing items or add file wich will add new items to the map. and somewhere in config you can modify item, and write its specs, what it does and so on.
also, green armor has already been added, you sohuld try playing vanilla 1v1 on aerowalk map
use e+ ent files and put 2 red armors over each other? m(

You'd better read more attentively - all the necessary files already exist in Team Arena, moreover there is its source code (for Team Arena) to compile *.qvm files. The only thing missing is blue armor.
there's nothing hard about making blue armor, if you have a little knowledge with photo editing software you can just convert an image to greyscale, convert it back to rgb, and tint it in blue(the armor texture)

For those who don't understand what I mean - Team Arena weapons:
Prox Launcher...and power-ups:
InvulnerabilityMaps with such items already exist, and there is no need to make *.ents files. These items should и added to the source code and *.qvm files of the mod ExcessivePlus.
And, of course, I can create the blue armor's set of files.
easy+ is the only one who can make it X)
You'd better read more attentively - all the necessary files already exist in Team Arena, moreover there is its source code (for Team Arena) to compile *.qvm files. The only thing missing is blue armor.