suggestion - Auto demo record.
Not sure how useful it would be but I would like to have the option to automatically record demos when I'm playing.
There maybe something like this already existing?
Anyways it is similar to the way screenshots work when they are taken at the end of each game, but instead a demo file is recorded the entire match (single client) and saved at the end of each match into a single folder (or when the player leaves/goes spectator).
PCs these days can easily store all this information, it would also be cool to be able to go back and never miss any moment you have played.
One other side effect is it makes it harder for cheaters in general to keep getting away with cheating for any long amount of time because more people would record demos.
A lot of newer games do this by default like most RTS games and racing games etc. It would be nice to see quake have the feature as well.
Maybe something like:
xp_autodemo 0 = default
off by default
If it doesn't make sense let me know. I hope it does.
seta cl_autoRecordDemo "1"
seta xp_recordMessage "0"
how about this
xp_onEnter "startrecord"
xp_onExit "stoprecord"

how about this
xp_onEnter "startrecord"
xp_onExit "stoprecord"
I was using that in past. Works for 100%.
xp_onEnter "startrecord" xp_onExit "stoprecord;screenshotJPEG"
with screenshot on the end as well

xp_onEnter "startrecord" xp_onExit "stoprecord;screenshotJPEG"
with screenshot on the end as well
screenshotxp also?

screenshotxp also?
Yes, and simple screenshot
makes TGA shots, that have the best quality but also the biggest file size.
also pissy
I forgot that cl_autoRecordDemo works only with ioquake, and I guess you are not using it
ioquake FTW
This doesn't do anything. Quake doesn't recognise the command nor record with it in autoexec. Unless I'm missing something?