[Added] s_ambient?

3 replies [Last post]
Joined: Aug 2008

could this be implemented?
i know someone asked for it but they never posted here

also is there a way you could have something like xp_noctfannouncer
like when a teammate picks up a flag, the announcer screams down my ears telling me my teammate has a flag
anyway, just a suggestion Happy

odin [EN]
Joined: Aug 2005
[Suggestion] s_ambient?

well its many months ago since i played the last time with sound but im pretty sure that there was always a voice who told me that my team got the enemy flag

Joined: Aug 2008
[Suggestion] s_ambient?

yeah thats what i meant, i would have that disabled as its really loud
a great distraction for someone who relies on sound a fair bit (public isnt a problem, more on about wars)

Developer (retired)
rabusmar's picture
Joined: Jan 2008
[Suggestion] s_ambient?
^[Evil]Monkey wrote:

yeah thats what i meant, i would have that disabled as its really loud
a great distraction for someone who relies on sound a fair bit (public isnt a problem, more on about wars)

Those are not ambien sounds, those are team sounds an can be already be disabled (the cvar is not documented thought):

xp_teamSounds bitmask:

1 CTF sounds
2 Rest of team sounds

So to disable all you must set it to 0, default is 3.

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