
9 replies [Last post]
tyfon's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
SE Sweden

1. xp_improvedprediction 0

High ping (100ms+) bfg'ers are invisible for a split second while they bfg, they get a massive advantage and suddenly teleport somewhere else. Impossible to track and frag.

2. xp_unlagged 204

Leave unlagged to hitscan weapons, projectiles are seriously messed up - bfg hitting from nowhere or not hitting when they should.

3. PlusC/modded plusN

Ditch PlusN, it's a seriously flawed cfg (which the author doesn't bother to play even). MG is next to useless, LG is much more useless than in 1.03, spawnkills are bugged, selfthaw is too high, new spanwsystem makes for a more campy game. In all, the CFG geared towards eliminating camp does the exact opposite - it's more useful not to move and frag, rather camp and frag. BFG and grenade jumps works half of the time, direct bfg hit doesn't kill while a splash midair kills 100%. It's useless.

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Re: Suggestions

I am sorry, but gaming would be a lot worse without improveprediction.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

!@#$%&*( terror )_
terror's picture
Joined: Feb 2007
GB United Kingdom
Re: Suggestions

If I would be the one responsible for plusN I would make bfg only for jumps (no damage at all) and make granades sticky for all gametypes, It would be less spammy and less chaotic, but propably even more campy.
Tongue Also would increase plasma gun speed, increase mg power...

oooh well

fps's picture
Joined: Mar 2008
US United States
Re: Suggestions
!@#$%&*( terror )_ wrote:

If I would be the one responsible for plusN I would make bfg only for jumps (no damage at all) and make granades sticky for all gametypes, It would be less spammy and less chaotic, but propably even more campy.
Tongue Also would increase plasma gun speed, increase mg power...

oooh well

Thx God, you arent the one

fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
Re: Suggestions
[MR.]MIRCWAR wrote:

Ditch PlusN, it's a seriously flawed cfg (which the author doesn't bother to play even). MG is next to useless, LG is much more useless than in 1.03, spawnkills are bugged, selfthaw is too high, new spanwsystem makes for a more campy game. In all, the CFG geared towards eliminating camp does the exact opposite - it's more useful not to move and frag, rather camp and frag. BFG and grenade jumps works half of the time, direct bfg hit doesn't kill while a splash midair kills 100%. It's useless.

are u referring the underlined words to me? if that so i stopped working under that cfg and give it to the e+ mod team developer to take care of it, but since Beast leaved the mod none else caring about the cfg any more

And if comes to the changes u have pointed there, u are responsible for those things yourself, do not forget most of the suggestion made in the cfg are by people who played it in beer freeze :} those aren't my ideas, even i did stopped my work because u guys have made out of the config far opposite thing i wanted to. The players made me reduce the LG strength, the players made me increasing the autothaw time, the players made me lowering switchtimes, the players decided to camp and play without armors, it was yours personal suggestion Mirc to reduce the BFG splash damage to absolute minimum, and since the bro style bfg exist it never was meant to kill in direct hit, because of suggestions like this i left the idea to work for a completely ridiculous ideas of the players witch would lead to completely destroying the main idea of the config

if u wish to make changes there, go and do them then propose this as official version of the cfg, because the cfg is abandoned actually, and do not blame me for those changes u did suggested me yourself Winking also i am not responsible for the unlagged projectiles or that the highpingers/laggers getting an advantage because of the faulty prediction i didn't even touched it at all :} not speaking the spawnkils aren't config related, if they are bugged its not a faulty cfg but the mod Winking and the grenades or bfg selfknockback wasn't changed at all compared to the plus cfg from 1.03 :}}}}

I am addicted to life.

tyfon's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
SE Sweden
Re: Suggestions

Yes those words are in reference to you, or more specifically when you still were in charge of the cfg and dismissed criticism of it with blanket statements like "it works fine" or the sort. All while you didn't play it on a packed server, or perhaps more importantly, considering nade and bfg settings, did not use them for movement anymore.

There were repeated posts in that thread by me and others complaining about the very same things as here, you didn't want to change the cfg. As for authorship, you know very well that you had the backing of people to have a hand in it since you were one of the few actually experienced with it. I doubt anyone would play a plusN derivative made by me, the one Laktos did (which by the way, worked much better) was whined away from servers within hours. It would be beneficial though if someone (like yourself) could step up and continue working on the cfg, it is seriously flawed as it is now.

tyfon's picture
Joined: Mar 2005
SE Sweden
Re: Suggestions
animalchik wrote:

if u wish to make changes there, go and do them then propose this as official version of the cfg, because the cfg is abandoned actually, and do not blame me for those changes u did suggested me yourself Winking also i am not responsible for the unlagged projectiles or that the highpingers/laggers getting an advantage because of the faulty prediction i didn't even touched it at all :} not speaking the spawnkils aren't config related, if they are bugged its not a faulty cfg but the mod Winking and the grenades or bfg selfknockback wasn't changed at all compared to the plus cfg from 1.03 :}}}}


No, but you are responsible for making a cfg with tons of different alternatives. In essence you have no idea what version you are playing from server to server. Besides the default values that are untouched on most servers are set to making projectiles unlagged.


The bfg values were radically changed at some of the later versions since direct hit did not kill, however some jumps simply do not work now. Perhaps it is fixed if reverting to older values after Easys fix in the latest release.


About spawnkills, fair enough - but to my knowledge the bug does not occur on other cfgs.

fala.q3's picture
Joined: Jul 2009
Re: Suggestions
[MR.]MIRCWAR wrote:

Yes those words are in reference to you, or more specifically when you still were in charge of the cfg and dismissed criticism of it with blanket statements like "it works fine" or the sort. All while you didn't play it on a packed server, or perhaps more importantly, considering nade and bfg settings, did not use them for movement anymore.

even if i would then i will not going to change bfg to kill in direct shots never ever Winking this style is here since year 2003 and i am not going to change that

and once more the nades and bfg selfknockback are identical to the config from 1.03 if it all worked fine in the 1.03 why now it does not in your opinion? are u convinced that much it is related to the cfg actually? come on...

what bug if comes to the spawnkills?

I am addicted to life.

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Skullheadq3's picture
Joined: Dec 2005
DE Germany
Re: Suggestions

um, short note:

plusN in falas idea isn't meant to support more then 5v5.

Beer should get an own balanced cfg for that.

hurrenson: "This idiot is apparently not familiar with a rail/sniper style."

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camel-xp's picture
Joined: Mar 2006
Re: Suggestions

put sv_fps 20
should minimize lags and pings
we all used values like 25-30 in past, but default 20 is recommended by ID itself since a long time

I was wondered why on localhost server I got ping like 8ms, should been 0ms, so I set sv_fps 20 and ping dropped to zero, I see less lags and smoother game on rus rail servers since they set fps to 20, on beer is higher value, it is obvious by looking at lagometer, give it a try Thumbs up