Suggestions to improve Freeze (gametype 8)

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Starless's picture
Joined: Jan 2005

I have been playing E+ for more than a year now, and it is by far the best mod out there. Before that, I mostly played freeze only mods such as UFreeze, FreezeDT, etc.

Coming from those mods, there are a few things missing in E+ freeze that could make gameplay more enjoyable/competetive:

First thing: Respawning points are quite often picked in a bad place, i.e. right next to an enemy. Being spawn fragged is a pain, especially if you were just frozen for a long time. Having to spawn frag someone because they just appeared right next to you doesn't feel right either, but it's a frag or be fragged world out there Happy Other mods tend to spawn all the same color players close to each other, or at least close to where they were thawed, which is usually a safe place.

Second: When everyone is frozen but one player, they should get something printed on their screen telling them so. Other mods show "LAST" in red across the top part of the screen, so you know that thawing should be a priority.

Third: The time to thaw someone, as well as auto-thaw time should be configurable through the configuration system.

Fourth: Whether or not all frozen players on the scoring team automatically thaw when a point is scored should be configurable. This tends to even out teams a bit since the team that is scoring more will tend to have less players unfrozen when they score, giving the losing team an opportunity to score.

Fifth: Some new sounds would be nice: "I'm Frozen/Someone Unfreeze Me" and "Thank you/Thanks for the thaw".

Other than that, the E+ freeze implementation is spot on, keep up the good job guys. I like the new round system coming in 1.03 as well Happy

DARKLORD's picture
Joined: Jan 2005
Suggestions to improve Freeze (gametype 8)

yeah there is a problem with the last man, if i see im last i stay away from main areas so im not fragged, but alot of guys go running into the whole opposite team when they are last man Happy


Forum moderator
WAX's picture
Joined: Jun 2004
Suggestions to improve Freeze (gametype 8)

if you use your HUD that will tell you that you are the last man.

Joined: May 2005
Suggestions to improve Freeze (gametype 8)

I beelieve the option is called draw team overlay Happy

QXY's picture
Joined: Apr 2005
Suggestions to improve Freeze (gametype 8)

Ok, few days ago I decided to write again about bad spawning. Glad to see this topic. Happy

The main problem isn't the spawning around the enemy. Skilled player knows how to handle this problem. Big grin

The most nerve-racking thing that is: I spawned one place. Then I start to go forward for example. In 2ms :!: the opponent spawning in my back, and kick my ass... It was usually 5 out of 10 times for me in the last few days.. Grr!

Hope You understand what I said. In freeze, the main thing should be the tactics not the luck...

Joined: Sep 2005
Suggestions to improve Freeze (gametype 8)

there is some kind of protection but its only for some mseconds. IMHO this should be set for 3 seconds or something so that you manage to get away from your spawnpoint before getting fragged by someone who happens to respawn there too Happy

QXY's picture
Joined: Apr 2005
Suggestions to improve Freeze (gametype 8)

No, the problem is that the ppl who spawning kills me!!! Becuase he spawns behind me after I spawed the same place. Btw, on Mr.Clanservr I noticed many times that two ppl spawned in ONE place at SAME time. They models are enclose and they cannot move. WTF? Big grin

spider's picture
Joined: Apr 2005
Suggestions to improve Freeze (gametype 8)

Third: The time to thaw someone, as well as auto-thaw time should be configurable through the configuration system.

I play freezedt and ufreeze mods and i love it Happy.. the hookshot + rail + 40 slot Server without lag are GOooooD!!

I thoug the same about implementing those "thankz for the thaw" sounds but it was a dream i didnt know much about the influence of a thread well managed like the one starless just did.

Programers of this wonderfull mod... now we are 2 persons who higly agree on inkrease some fusion of the other great freeze mods...

The last man thing (red warning)

And the warming bar (if u start thawing and enemys kome and you have the skill and froze those bishes... u kan get back to ur thawing person and kontinue where u start before. . its very usefull kouse on e+ you waste time doing this. )

Just think about it it will be some good things to chek it out Winking


.: | h3ktor dice:
phail ;_;


Joined: Sep 2005
Suggestions to improve Freeze (gametype 8)

make those people 3 spider Winking

Starless's picture
Joined: Jan 2005
Suggestions to improve Freeze (gametype 8)

Another thing I forgot to mention in my first post: It would be nice to have a separate column in the scoreboard to show how many thaws someone has, since you get a point for a thaw, it's nice to see the breakdown of thaws vs frags.

Joined: Apr 2005
Suggestions to improve Freeze (gametype 8)

I agree. How is a problem with doing two more sounds in a new version of E+? None. I thin, that mod is made for players (mostly). This change will not make game looks/plays different.

Second. Spawning. I haven't played other mods than E+, maybe I can't speak, but i play freeze tag mostly, all the time. Spawning in bad place can piss off.

Third. I know "draw team overal" and using it. But it's like "low ammo warning". I've turned it off, but it CAN BE turned on. It's all about the possiblity.