Swe Demos
Hello everyone!
ppl requested that i uppload old swe demos so here they are,
(sry for making new topic for this, i did not find the topic about posting old demos)
Either way these r the once i found from old hdd from the old days. This is played on Excessiveplus 1.02beta version if i dont remember wrong
// zoom
n1, thanks
Good topic Leo!
Are these demos played on the faggish, outcast, config for players who couldn't handle the real e+ cfg? (e5r/e5)
Aka, are these demos played on PlusN. (That config needs to die already, all these cheap east european people with shitty ass pc's are upholding a shitty ass config like that with shitloads of bugs.)
The reason why e5/r went down the road it went is because some fuckheads starting spreading propaganda that e5/r was dying when it was not. I think I accused Rayden of being part of that conspiracy, just because he's a little sly fucker. So e5/r players started falling for it and e5/r slowly started breaking down.
But the config is still here, there are a few servers that use e5r (Flughoerchens, BORG CTF and Discoqtheque (uses e5s)).

There was no plusN these days. PlusN came with new version of mod, LoL.
plus is way older then urself here big bob.
And it was always more pupolar then e5/r.
I've been playing e+ since 2004 pal. Back then when you could properly differentiate the opponents position based on his footsteps and weapon's sound ambiance. But back then I just played and shit and never payed that much attention to the CFG's so I could be wrong on some fields. But I sure as hell ain't wrong when I say E5/R was favored more over Plus+.
I think I remember my very very first match on a e+ server. Which was against a guy named Biohazard... holy fuck, he sure as hell gave me some good spankings. But I quickly learned what e+ was about. I'm not sure if that guy is still around, he came from Hungary I think (or Italy?)
Skull, I remember when I found out that your name was ontherun in BNT (I can't remember when you joined, but I don't think you were in BNT yet during my time. You came in later I believe). And it hit me that the entire time I was beating you from side to side like a little bitch xd. But you were always very quiet in the clan.
e5/r had the more popular servers, but the idea for plus was already there in 2003.
The joke was, e5 had the ffa servers, while plus had freeze servers - it just depended upon what people wanted to play for a gametype. Most people were annoyed by e5 nadespam.
also biohazard? you must be talking about someone else, because the us biohazard was around later I guess.
also expedion I played you in e5 kinda straight after I joined bnt. You never stroke me as skilled controlled gameplay, but rather just shooting in the general direction of ur enemy back then.
also you never really beat me. oO Why do people always think they are better then me anyways LOl - because then they don't have to care.

e5/r had the more popular servers, but the idea for plus was already there in 2003.
The joke was, e5 had the ffa servers, while plus had freeze servers - it just depended upon what people wanted to play for a gametype. Most people were annoyed by e5 nadespam.also biohazard? you must be talking about someone else, because the us biohazard was around later I guess.
also expedion I played you in e5 kinda straight after I joined bnt. You never stroke me as skilled controlled gameplay, but rather just shooting in the general direction of ur enemy back then.
also you never really beat me. oO Why do people always think they are better then me anyways LOl - because then they don't have to care.
Hmmm, could be could be. I never was on freeze servers. But e5/r had tournament servers as well which is where I was on most of the time.
e5's nadespam wasn't really that annoying, the bitching I did hear occasionally was the MG but that's all bullcrap,. And if it was e5r people woud complain about the rail. But that's just losers mentality, they always bitch about the things that just worked fine but weren't able to circumvent the barriers.
As far Plus+ goes, it's just shit. I mean multijumps function inconsistent. The switching just gets ridiculous, there is no consistent line to draw when it comes to jumps and switching in Plus+. Which is my only real problem with the config. I did think maybe the problem with switching is because I come from e5/r background and I'm used to switching fast. But most of time I end up staring at grounds when I want to switch to a grenade or something. It's really annoying.
As far as skill control, I like to balance things out between prediction and aim. See, you're predictable on the ground, very predictable. So are many other players, because they hold on to a certain structured playing. Like, they have their habits of doing certain BFG jumps at certain places, sneaking up on the enemy in a certain way (your way, which is kind of my way too but mine is way more flexible and jewish. And Azael also holds a very pattern-breaking gamestyle). And most of these people don't like to lose because they hate facing the weakness that all those habits they've taught themselves out of the idea that they move faster, quicker, have better map control can become useless if your enemy pretty much figured out how you're playing.
Skull, you never liked to admit defeat anyway. Which is fine, you like to be competitive, so do I. And I like people with your attitude too, makes the playing so much more fun knowing that the person on the other side is doing all in his power to outsmart you in order to prove that he's one step ahead of you. But when that doesn't work, that's when shit gets funny .
