®TAG: unique 2:1 D.I.E. /06.12.2010
6. December 2010 - 23:20
6. December 2010 - 23:25
Re: TAG: unique 2:1 D.I.E. /06.12.2010
6. December 2010 - 23:26
Re: TAG: unique 2:1 D.I.E. /06.12.2010
Nice games both.
Here are your MVD's
6. December 2010 - 23:34
Re: TAG: unique 2:1 D.I.E. /06.12.2010
look at the ranking rules terror ur the one who made it
6. December 2010 - 23:48
Re: TAG: unique 2:1 D.I.E. /06.12.2010
LOL fun game:D
7. December 2010 - 0:35
Re: TAG: unique 2:1 D.I.E. /06.12.2010
GG Unique Keep Going
7. December 2010 - 1:52
Re: TAG: unique 2:1 D.I.E. /06.12.2010

* When Official E+ Referee is on server, then he decides what to do in every problematic situation,
If u have problems with understanding rules or need help with Clan War,
then just contact with anyone from Official E+ Refs Team // ref+http://www.excessiveplus.net/forums/clanteam-base/clans/excessive-plus-refs-team
GG! Well played, rules rock, but winning much more of course!
7. December 2010 - 5:59
Re: TAG: unique 2:1 D.I.E. /06.12.2010
7. December 2010 - 8:11
Re: TAG: unique 2:1 D.I.E. /06.12.2010
gg was rly interesting games. cant wait now for TDM cw against u, Unique
thanks for refing Zack and thanks for game both clans. was fun
Could anyone precise when a player is called lagger and can't play ?
DIE didn't allow ultima to play on overkill because he is "lagger and new rules say that lagger can't play"
OK, fine, but does it mean that he can't play any matches now ?
btw gg @ DIE
was spontanic and very nice clan war, like couple years ago when clans
didn't arrange wars 1 week in advance