TDM League players statistics
Top 20 :: Scorers ::
Name Frags Deaths Eff Kll-Dth Score
-------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
LEM*CRAT 440.8 262.1 62.9 178.7 417.1
LEM*LINUS 422.2 255.8 62.3 166.4 401.2
LEM*BERT 418.0 257.8 62.3 160.2 395.4
LEM*LARRY 396.4 249.5 61.4 146.9 374.9
{D*R*T} FAITH 387.4 209.5 65.0 177.9 367.6
*HARD.SWE* 366.1 209.0 63.8 157.0 346.4
LEM*RATZ 360.2 253.2 59.4 107.0 333.7
*TORZELAN.SWE* 340.8 238.4 59.1 102.4 328.0
{D*R*T} ANEM 337.2 212.2 61.8 125.0 322.8
XED - !<A 330.6 374.2 47.1 -43.6 321.0
*ZENUS.SWE* 335.8 213.4 61.3 122.4 318.0
2!S*x-mow! 328.5 280.5 53.9 48.0 314.8
{D*R*T} SH! 329.9 217.7 60.9 112.1 311.1
{D*R*T} 4r0 327.1 188.3 64.4 138.8 309.1
HQ * I<[] 331.5 215.5 60.6 116.0 308.4
EVOL.KOSY 337.8 325.1 50.2 12.7 301.5
PHC.JOEYB 313.5 346.3 46.9 -32.8 296.6
evol.Bazze 305.2 234.3 56.4 70.8 292.2
PHC.BIOHAZARD 313.3 281.2 52.5 32.1 291.6
2!S*XPLO! 311.9 301.9 50.7 10.1 290.6
Top 20 :: Kill - Death ::
Name Frags Deaths Score Eff Kll-Dth
-------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------ -------
LEM*CRAT 440.8 262.1 417.1 62.9 178.7
{D*R*T} FAITH 387.4 209.5 367.6 65.0 177.9
LEM*LINUS 422.2 255.8 401.2 62.3 166.4
LEM*BERT 418.0 257.8 395.4 62.3 160.2
*HARD.SWE* 366.1 209.0 346.4 63.8 157.0
LEM*LARRY 396.4 249.5 374.9 61.4 146.9
{D*R*T} 4r0 327.1 188.3 309.1 64.4 138.8
MARCUS * I<[] 280.0 142.7 266.8 65.6 137.3
{D*R*T} ANEM 337.2 212.2 322.8 61.8 125.0
*ZENUS.SWE* 335.8 213.4 318.0 61.3 122.4
{D*R*T} ALONE 305.6 186.6 286.3 62.2 119.0
HQ * I<[] 331.5 215.5 308.4 60.6 116.0
{D*R*T} SH! 329.9 217.7 311.1 60.9 112.1
(.WASP.SHYONE.) 274.1 165.0 244.8 62.3 109.1
LEM*RATZ 360.2 253.2 333.7 59.4 107.0
.DA|RAGE. 294.1 190.1 270.5 60.8 104.0
*TORZELAN.SWE* 340.8 238.4 328.0 59.1 102.4
HYPER*HYLIAN 291.6 189.5 282.4 60.1 102.2
EVOL.MOTOR 291.9 196.0 277.8 60.2 96.0
DRILL * I<[] 224.7 135.9 214.6 64.1 88.8
Top 20 :: Efficiency ::
Name Frags Deaths Score Kll-Dth Eff
-------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
LEM*ATWA 173.4 96.8 170.2 76.5 66.4
MARCUS * I<[] 280.0 142.7 266.8 137.3 65.6
{D*R*T} FAITH 387.4 209.5 367.6 177.9 65.0
{D*R*T} 4r0 327.1 188.3 309.1 138.8 64.4
DRILL * I<[] 224.7 135.9 214.6 88.8 64.1
*HARD.SWE* 366.1 209.0 346.4 157.0 63.8
LEM*CRAT 440.8 262.1 417.1 178.7 62.9
(.WASP.SHYONE.) 274.1 165.0 244.8 109.1 62.3
HEAT * I<[] 215.9 135.9 206.3 80.0 62.3
LEM*BERT 418.0 257.8 395.4 160.2 62.3
LEM*LINUS 422.2 255.8 401.2 166.4 62.3
{D*R*T} ALONE 305.6 186.6 286.3 119.0 62.2
{D*R*T} ANEM 337.2 212.2 322.8 125.0 61.8
ASM * I<[] 250.5 176.2 240.1 74.3 61.5
LEM*LARRY 396.4 249.5 374.9 146.9 61.4
*ZENUS.SWE* 335.8 213.4 318.0 122.4 61.3
{D*R*T} SH! 329.9 217.7 311.1 112.1 60.9
.DA|RAGE. 294.1 190.1 270.5 104.0 60.8
HQ * I<[] 331.5 215.5 308.4 116.0 60.6
(.WASP.NISPE.) 245.0 164.1 232.9 80.9 60.2
Top 20 :: Killers ::
Name Deaths Score Eff Kll-Dth Frags
-------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------
LEM*CRAT 262.1 417.1 62.9 178.7 440.8
LEM*LINUS 255.8 401.2 62.3 166.4 422.2
LEM*BERT 257.8 395.4 62.3 160.2 418.0
LEM*LARRY 249.5 374.9 61.4 146.9 396.4
{D*R*T} FAITH 209.5 367.6 65.0 177.9 387.4
*HARD.SWE* 209.0 346.4 63.8 157.0 366.1
LEM*RATZ 253.2 333.7 59.4 107.0 360.2
*TORZELAN.SWE* 238.4 328.0 59.1 102.4 340.8
EVOL.KOSY 325.1 301.5 50.2 12.7 337.8
{D*R*T} ANEM 212.2 322.8 61.8 125.0 337.2
*ZENUS.SWE* 213.4 318.0 61.3 122.4 335.8
HQ * I<[] 215.5 308.4 60.6 116.0 331.5
XED - !<A 374.2 321.0 47.1 -43.6 330.6
{D*R*T} SH! 217.7 311.1 60.9 112.1 329.9
2!S*x-mow! 280.5 314.8 53.9 48.0 328.5
{D*R*T} 4r0 188.3 309.1 64.4 138.8 327.1
WIICKED*BBBS* 502.9 279.7 38.2 -183.2 319.7
*TC*ADi 233.7 288.2 57.4 83.4 317.0
PHC.JOEYB 346.3 296.6 46.9 -32.8 313.5
PHC.BIOHAZARD 281.2 291.6 52.5 32.1 313.3
nice stats!...just waondering what you mean with "per hour bases"
i mean, it's not like you divided the played time and multiplied with 60 right?
it would give an indication, but more then stats/figures will they not be...right?
nice work anyway
Mabye better idea is to make stats only from TDM League, after it we will see who was the best player of whole League. What you think about that? Winner will get tittle MVP TDM League or something like that
hey nice...and its a cool idea marcus..altho i wouldnt suggest having it for all the stats..perhaps one big MVP for some stat all agree on..(imo efficiency)??
rena is there any chance you could post the entire player stats? that way players could compare themselves to others....
nice great idea rena i love it
now im gonna start trying