TDM'L Mentally Unbalanced vs The Hard Core
Hello! we need play this war for (TDM leangue 2012 ) so when you can? for us beast is :
02.12.2012 Sunday 20:00
server: we well see
and we need someone to ref. Pls. Tell me here or msn ( about this war.
probably ok, i will confirm in short future
probably will be okey , but we gonna talk and answer u official tomorrow i think so. And idk how it is with deadline, its in tomorrow i think, then organisation team have to accept it.
btw, u wont have squad? bullshits , greeks always are ready for a world crisis
as you wish we can probably play with you today about 20:30-21:00

btw, u wont have squad? bullshits, greeks always are ready for a world crisis
u mean the crisis is ready when the greeks are ready , i couldnt play at all these days cause of real life issues...thx for ur understanding thc
siema nie damy rady w niedziele moze byc poniedzialek ? heyo we not can play this sunday so maybe we can play monday becouse i dont have squad .