You cant control anyone on publics.
ITs like a bunch of ppl not wanting to do the stuffs that you want. You can always find that anywhere.
Why waste energy of trying to balance anything on the publics?
I would say just play. Dont look at the score. In the end maybe you'll learn more if you play all vs you then if you play all the time in balanced teams.
On Freeze tag the team that has more players is not always advantaged. On TDM this advantage is considerable.
Kid think about this! U will see the players for sure in a cw and than ubkick their asses
If you join beer server with intention of having a fair balanced game, then fucked yourself at the very beginning.
I can only speak for myself but I make a point of not changing teams when you whine about it. As I see it you gave up your prerogative of asking nicely (key word) for team balance. People will switch eventually but when you obsessively start spamming TEAMS or calling people team PIGS it kind of hurts your cause.
If I were you I'd focus more on playing and less on trying to control people.
F1, but just whine? He runs and shouts like crazy bitch around, doesn't matter in which team he plays.
A lot of people are used to say "balance" and are not doing that because of SCORE and STATS at PUBLIC server what is POINTLESS, regards.
Ahahahahah! FFS kid, just relax and play, it is annoying, but see what happens when all go spec, that for sure ruins the game! And no, do not delete posts!