THANATOS Recruits!
hi guys.....the demon Thanatos is searching for young and good you are a seriously, good and cool player.......(who wants to own the world ... write it down here! no noobs pls!
and for faith, hard, nihil, hq and all other e+ elite...the big thanatos told me....thats the last chance to get in four you guys..otherwise he will go for your souls! hahahahahaha...........
saw you today on ring zero 1v1 2, id like a trail, proper one heh, Id say im fairly good, gotta keep practising ya know, im also as cool as a cucumber too and an active player...
contact me by pm
contact my msn,
lol ... what i will write now will be kinda off topic :}
ive noticed sth strange here ...
lol... some ppl that are looking for clan think that they give their msn,icq, gg [pol communicator] and clan leaders will conntact them... imho it should look different :} recruits should contact cl direct by themselves ... and show that they realy want to join . . .
just look at drt sbox :} they just write: "bla bla bla my nick is XXX, i wanna join ur clan .... bla bla bla .... contact me at.... "
its so anoing :}
anyway: gl than :} looking forward to cw :}
yea i agree also, but im a lazy english bastard, so wtf should i do...
i agree with scarstruck, we're lazy english arseholes
does thantos have a player called
seen in screenie
well that tag is not really than like. so this is a bit odd
hahahaha..........nice faith...and true also!
yes ... you are right....muhahaha!!!
cant stop loughing!!!!
!!! † FRAG OR DIE † !!!