we are looking for opponent for today's evening. prefered time 21 for fw or cw.we are not playing ctf.If someone is up for game write to me on msn or gg.
A teraz kochane dzieci pocalujcie misia w dupe
NOBODY can be blamed for leaving Darkshit and Blackshit, not even this twat trickz.
: Not really. On SEGA Playstation you can play online with the E+ mod in Apex Legends, Warzone and Battletoads
: e+ on ql? no. no mods on ql
: Does this work on Quake Live?
: Active is too strong word. Just time to time someone visit this forum. Public plus servers are mostly empty. If you can play railings dm7 again and again, you can always find someone to play with.But I don’t
we can also play today
A teraz kochane dzieci pocalujcie misia w dupe