the best stuff around 50euro
in pc world i read one time that they use for test games philips headset shp 2000 . price about 50 pln
wery deap sound.
about keyboard i found in allegro sidewinder x4 and steelseries shift in similary price 150 with delivery
Apple In-ear headphones, nothing more to say
Apple In-ear headphones, nothing more to say
will damage ur ears over the time.
about keyboards, any usual gamer only need any random keyboard (for example atm i am gaming fine on a 6 euro usb keyboard). so its up to you what gimmicks you want.
g400 is a good option if u playing by 3 fingers at top and prefer palm grip, for other type of grip i would rather suggest other mices, all depends about yours preferences
if comes to the keyboard a rubber dome from microsoft mentored already is kind of good, x4, u can also look for new keyboards on cheery red mx switches witch would be better than the microsoft, all thought like skull mentored its not a big must in this segment and good dell keyboard that cost around 60pln is enough
if comes to the headphones some company was selling beyerdynamic 770pro under different name as gaming headphones, this is good choice thought not real ergonomic, is stopped to use my 770pro because they are big and heavy witch makes the ears and head hurt while u sit with them much, that why i use now phonak audeo. also good pick would be some denon on ear since they give really detailed sound and would definitely help for enemy localization, dont remember the models thought
but dont expect miracles, like i proved by fooling ppl before u can play almost like on wh on headphones that cost 5euro only, the thing is that on better ones the separation and localization is easier, so u will not going need to focus yourself that much, or have no problems with ts that makes game sounds useless or vice versa, that u will not going tohave problems with understanding teammates because of game sounds
what do u think about Plantronics GameCom 367 headset?
I have them and i like it!!!! +1
Warning: They will cover your ears completely!
Usually actual headsets have lower sound quality, so I'd prefer headphones. With same price (80) you can get really good headphones, which will provide you with alot better sound quality.
Personally I'd recommend headphones by sennheiser. Atm I have sennheiser HD429 and I'm really pleased to play with them. So, unless you don't really need microphone then headphones are better. (Obviously, you can also buy table microphone, like I did.)
I don't have any experience about Plantronics GameCom 367 headset, so it might be good for sure, but most of the headsets that I've had, have been lot worse than headphones I have now.
ok, thanks guys for all these answers i ll take:
keyboard: microsoft sidewinder x4
headset: probably plantronics but wonder about some sennheiser
mouse: gonna stay with mx
if u talk about mx518, meh for me the sensor feeling is crap, even the a4tech mices with adns3060 offers better feeling
what do u think about Plantronics GameCom 367 headset?