The Dark Zone (Quake 3 remake)
This is my upcoming 5th map, still in work. This was originally a test, but I decided the make it an official map. It's at version 0.2 and it's in alpha stage.
The Dark Zone Remake 0.2 Alpha
Like it, hate it? Suggestions for the map?
for how many players is this map? : )
looks pretty gud. im not sure the blue speckly texture/shader in the middle of that block works too well maybe when i see it in realtime it look less outa place. i pressume there teleporters. the use of stairs is really nice.
the room with the skywindow should have a thicker ceiling so it looks as solid as the supports holding it up.
it looks like it would play well for e+ with large rooms/corridors.
the four columns need to be changed. what would they look like if they were cylinder and where they stop have maybe have dim spot lights coming down from them into a slightly darker room. also change the texture on them so their the same as the ones by the mega health.
also nice lighting
cant wait to play it.
Edit btw i dont no what the original looks like. not sure how close you wanted to stay to original design
As I understood it's remake map oa_dm6 from Open Arena with your own vision.
What targets r u chasing? I mean u're making map just for open arena or for e+? I asked it because e+ very dynamic mod and e+ players prefer play big maps with simple architecture. For clear OA remake is good.
In general ur map looking good, some little stuff I maybe changed.
oO this is The Dark Zone map from q1!!! this map rocks!
i remeber it from q1
i'll test it today at home. GJ!
looks like a good map, but isnt it a bit too dark?
I havent downloaded yr map but from what i see from yr screenshots i would do this:
use more textures, map is not mutch detailed, also map objects are missing?

oO this is The Dark Zone map from q1!!! this map rocks!
i remeber it from q1
i'll test it today at home. GJ!+++++++++++++
fuck yeah !! quake world ftw
best map also loved dm2 and dm3
btw sander has some good ideas above me.
Instead of making same as original, you could add more
passages, and adjust it for excessiveplus also add some
logos on walls (excessive+).
keep it up, looks nice but needs some adjustments.
Ok i did fastly visual improvement of a single room in yr map. Hope u undarstand what i mean.
good job man keep up the good work..
They're teleporters.
I'll do that, sure.
They are bevels for the walls, cylinders won't fit in that room.
oa_dm6 is a remake of dm6 from Quake. I never intended it to be like oa_dm6.
It's a Quake 3 map, could work in E+.
It's not actually dark, it's dim, it's just the screenshots.
1st shot: Don't understand what you mean in this shot.
2nd shot: I've already tried the windows, when I did it showed the rest of the map when you look out and I don't understand the rest except for the pentagram.
3rd shot: The window on the right might work, but the one on the left may reveal the map when you look outside, don't understand what you want me to do with the stairs.
4th shot: Yes, that'll be in the next update.
5th shot: Don't know what you mean about thin details, I'll change the texture on the floor and I'm not really sure about putting them inside the walls like in Overkill.
I don't intend to add more passages or change the design, just remake of the original map with Quake 3 textures and some adjustments like curves. Logos won't happen, putting logo's into the map ruin the architecture in my opinion.