The E+ Member Gallery --Comments-- Thread
The picture thread is getting clogged up with too many comments, so anything you want to say about a picture do it here. But dont post any pics here.
This is just for comments about a picture posted in the E+ Member Gallery any unrelated spam or crappola with be either deleted are trash canned, (it will more than likely just be deleted).
you can link to a pic in the E+ Member Gallery using img tags
eg: right click on image, copy the location and paste in between [img][/img]
u put [img] before the txt and [/img] after.
but dont post original pics here, post them at the link below
wow weebs you look so much better. Nice haircut

:twisted: :twisted:
lol nice pic
rs rox xD !!
dea ur avator

dea ur avator
Right on :thumbleft:
pretty Deana
ps: our pic funny RS rox :twisted:
Psy You little ass XD J/K man
Nice picture on you
Dea, nice avatar
For example
nice pic