| × The end of DoQ clan. × |
After some inactive months we close DoQ clan. Is nothing to do better for that, most of us are inactive and clan with 2 active players doesnt have chance to grow up, make best results or else...
Its sad, because the first thing about pure czech and slovak clan was really nice, was clean and has good chance to be one of best.
So, it was nice work with you - drill, hal, beazt and niko.
Good luck.
I thought that ll come sooner or later...
I made right decision
You are the best.... :roll:
Niah ,just have open eyes
gl @ all DoQ ex members
toxic is right, it was kind of obvious for a long time now
gl all of you!
Sad but quite a realistic scenario. Gl guys.
well ....
I am also one who became IA .... many new things happen in my real life and I dont want to play as active as I played before ....
You are the best.... :roll: